Multi-touch Attribution modes
Please note that all advanced reports are part of the Hyros Analytics suite. In order to use these reports please activate the Hyros analytics suite in your account.
Once activated please allow a few hours for your account to re-index before using these reports.
Although Last Click and Scientific mode reports are often all a business needs to scale, our multi-touch attribution modes are very helpful to understanding how each source is contributing to sales, especially for funnels where leads often go through complex journeys including multiple sources.
For example, if a lead purchases a product worth $100 and goes through the following Journey:
The lead went through 4 different sources before making a purchase. If you were reading your stats in any one of these ad managers, it’s likely they would track just 1 sale worth $100, or 0 sales if they failed to track it correctly. Either way, this is not always the full picture.
Depreciation Mode (Last click is attributed the highest)
As you can see in the video above, when loading a report you have the option of selecting a “rate of depreciation”. Let’s see how the sales and revenue are attributed to each source depending on the rate of depreciation selected, using the example journey at the beggining of this guide:
@FacebookAdClick – 0.125 sales / $12.5
@BingAdClick – 0.125 sales / $12.5
@TikTokAdClick – 0.25 sales / $25
@GoogleAdClick – 0.5 sales / $50
@FacebookAdClick – 0.015625 sales / $1.5625
@BingAdClick – 0.04875 sales / $4.6875
@TikTokAdClick – 0.1875 sales / $18.75
@GoogleAdClick – 0.75 sales / $75
@FacebookAdClick – 0.001 sales / $0.1
@BingAdClick – 0.009 sales / $0.9
@TikTokAdClick – 0.09 sales / $9
@GoogleAdClick – 0.9 sales / $90
The calculation used is referred to as the “double declining balance” method of depreciation.
We begin with the last click, which is the most recent source before the sale, and multiply the total value of the purchase by the percentage rate of depreciation.
So in the above example, the total value of the sale is $100.
If the Depreciation rate is 50%, then the calculation will be 100 multiplied by 0.5, which equals $50.
Then we do exactly the same with the next source using the remaining value of $50, and so on until the very first source click.
A more complex example above is when the depreciation rate is 75%, here is a breakdown of the calculation in more detail:
$100 (initial value) x 0.75 = $75 (@GoogleAdClick attributed revenue)
$100 – $75 = $25 (remaining value)
$25 x 0.75 = $18.75 (@TikTokAdClick attributed revenue)
($75+$18.75) – $100 = $6.25 (remaining revenue)
$6.25 x 0.75 = $4.6875 (@BingAdClick attribute revenue)
($75 + $18.75 + $4.6875) – $100 = $1.5625 (remaining revenue)
As @FacebookAdClick is the very first source click the lead came through, the remaining is simply applied to this source.
You can use this data to understand how different sources are working together and contributing to the sale. This is extremely useful especially when most of your leads come through several different sources and have a complex journey.
This will allow you to scale based on a birds eye view of your ad performance, and make decisions based on how ads are working together, especially how ads are supporting the most important last click.
Linear Fractional Reporting
As an example, let’s use the journey mentioned at the very beggining of this guide:
In this case the lead goes through 4 sources before making a Purchase worth $100.
In this attribution mode, the attribution for this sale will be divided equally across all of the sources, as shown here:
@FacebookAdClick – 0.25 Sales / $25
@BingAdClick – 0.25 Sales / $25
@TikTokAdClick – 0.25 Sales / $25
@GoogleAdClick – 0.25 Sales / $25
You can therefore use this report to see how your different sources are working together, when you consider each ad/source just as valuable as each other.
You can also use this report to understand what the most common ad is that buyers go through (at any point in the journey) before making a purchase.