Hyros Direct Call Tracking

Please note that this is an early beta feature. If you wish to be a beta tester please reach out to the support team so we can activate this for your account. Hyros supports both Local and Toll-Free numbers, since the subscription structure for each is different an alert will pop-up when a Toll-Free number

SavvyCal Call Tracking

Follow this guide to track calls with SavvyCal. First of all, please copy this universal script and ensure it is in he <head></head> code of all of your funnel pages, including the thank you page that you direct leads to AFTER they book a call: Next, inside SavvyCal go to the link editor. Inside Settings


If you wish to track the email that is entered into the Typeform, simply follow these steps: Step 1 Go to Projects inside your Involve.me account (step 1), select the form you want to track (step 2), and then click Edit (step 3). 2. Inside the form, go to the page where you collect the

Tracking Embedded Hubspot Forms

Main Setup Guide This will only work with embedded Hubspot forms. Optional Advanced Step – Optimizing Hubspot Form Tracking Why is this necessary? Although the above steps allow Hyros to track lead opt-ins made via Hubspot forms accurately most of the time, Hubspot forms can prove to be occasionally unreliable. This means in some instances

CallRail Integration

Integrating with CallRail To connect CallRail to Hyros follow the steps below. Step 1 – Create the integration inside Hyros 1. Go into settings -> integrations -> select the CallRail Integration. 2. Click “Create New Integration”. 3. Create a name for the integration, such as “CallRail”. 4. Then click the “Configure” button and copy the Webhook URL

YouCanBook.me Call Setup

Please ensure that you have placed the universal code on your call booking and call thank you pages. Here is the parameter to ad to your redirect url : ?name={FNAME}&email={EMAIL}&phone={Q3} BE SURE to change {Q3} to match the title on the form section you use to collect the booking phone number. Written Guide If you


NOTE: Depending on what you want to achieve, follow the relevant guidelines. If you only use Gohighlevel pages, refer to the appropriate section. If you only use calendars, refer to the section on how to track calls. GoHighLevel Integration Tracking without integration

Phone Close Forms

This is the easiest way of tracking calls correctly. Especially if your reps are manually processing the payments. To access the forms and manage any sales or subscriptions created by them, simply go to reporting -> phone closing as shown below: To create a new form to send to your sales agents, click “new form”


This guide covers both application forms to track lead information and also tracking purchases through Jotform’s purchase order forms. To track the email inputted inside jotform, just follow these steps: Classic Form NOTE: If you have more than one parameter, ONLY the first parameter should begin with a “?”, the rest should begin with “&”.

Tracking Typeform Data

If you wish to track the email that is entered into the Typeform, simply follow these steps: Step 1 1. Select the Typeform you would like to track. 2. `Go to Create (step 1) and then go to Endings (step2) 3. Next go to the Button link section and type in “?email=” to the end
