Tracking Call Payments and Appointment Setters Correctly

How Call Tracking Works:

There are 3 typical call payment workflows that you may need to follow depending on how you process payments:

1) Sales Team Run the Payment Information

You need to do 3 things to make sure the sale is tracked correctly:

  1. Ensure the forms your sales team uses to input payment information has NO TRACKING on them. Hyros will track your phone reps and misattribute tracking.
    If it is easier, you can add our universal script globally and then blacklist the specific URLs of the checkout pages or any other pages that are used by your sales team only following the blacklisting guide later in this guide. This will also prevent those pages from being tracked.
  2. Your Sales team must input the SAME email that your customer booked the call with, otherwise, the sale will be attached to the new email with no tracking information attributed. HYROS needs the correct email to be entered to link the sale back to the origin email and tracked correctly.
  3. If you have integrated into a checkout/payment processor software to track your sales inside hyros, please check that the integration is NOT sending in the IP address. There are some integrations such as Thrivecart or, that will track your agent’s IP and link it to the sale. Please check the integration and toggle on “discard IP from events”:

2) Customers Complete Payment on a Checkout Page

Simply make sure the checkout page has our universal script attached to the header. HOWEVER, you must ensure that members of your team do NOT use this page to input payments.

You can copy the script here:

3) A Mix of Both of the Above

In this case, you will need 2 separate checkout pages:

  1. A TRACKED Checkout page for your customers ONLY, who will follow workflow #2 above.
  2. An UNTRACKED page for your Sales team ONLY, who will follow workflow #1 above.

Only want to use a single checkout page?

If you do not want separate checkout pages, you can instead have a single tracked checkout page, and when your sales team use it, just ensure they add “?hyros=disabled” at the end of your URL. For example:

If your agents access the checkout page like this, then the universal script will be disabled on the page when they use it. Remember if there are other parameters or utms before, please add a “&” instead of a “?”, for example:

Then just ensure your agents are following workflow #1 explained above.

Tracking Calls from Appointment Setters

Please see THIS GUIDE to send calls via zapier.

Blacklisting (IP, Email, Phone and URLs) and Disabling Origin Lead Assignation

First, we highly recommend ensuring that the above flows are followed, this will give you the smoothest tracking possible.

That being said there may be times when a member of your sales team uses a tracked page by accident to process a payment or a call for a customer or you may have a particular flow where this is unavoidable, If this happens they will be associated with the event and will start to falsely link other leads together via the tracked IP address, Email and/or Phone number. To help minimize the risk of this happening there are 3 options:

1) Blacklist IP, Email addresses and phone numbers of your team inside Hyros.

First, ask your sales team for their IP addresses, emails and phone numbers, then inside your True Tracking Settings (Hyros > Settings > True Tracking) , scroll down until you reach “Blacklisted IPs”. Click “Add IP” and add all of the IP addresses, then do the same with any emails addresses and/or phone numbers associated with your team. Moving forward they will be blocked, preventing your agents from being tracked and associated with your customer’s journey.

For emails, you also have the option of blacklisting a “domain”, which is useful if you want to ensure no one using your company email is tracked.

Let’s say you have 10 reps all using emails such as “” then “” and so on. If you enter “” under the domain section here, this would blacklist both emails.

2) Blacklisting URLs

This is useful if you want to block tracking for a specific page. For some businesses it may not be preferable or even possible to remove our script on a single page, such as a checkout page, and then add our universal script to every other page individually.

This option will instead allow you to keep our universal script on all of your pages globally on your site, and give you the option to input a specific URL where the universal script will be ignored.

Use this if you notice you have a tracked page that is used by sales reps only, this way you will avoid having to edit any code and can easily block your reps or any other team member from being tracked.

For example, let’s say your sales reps are using the page called “” to input sales data on the lead’s behalf. If this page is tracked and no lead’s are using this URL, we can simply add that URL to the blacklist here:

This will prevent your team from being tracked by error and attributed to the sale.

3) Disable Origin Lead Assignation

Hyros uses a system called Origin Lead Assignation, which detects when multiple leads/customers are actually the same person based on the tracking information collected by the tracking scripts.

This provides great insight as to the long term value of your customers, making sure you don’t lose track of the first Ad your customer visited, regardless of the email address he used on any future instances.

That being said, if you have agents filling customers’ checkouts and you are experiencing issues with leads being linked together, this is because our system is tracking your agent’s session/IP address on a tracked page and associating it with other leads. To make 100% sure this does not happen again, you can disable origin lead assignation inside your True Tracking Settings.

We’d advise trying the above flows and/or blacklisting the IP’s before trying this. Although disabling Origin Lead Attribution will ensure leads aren’t associated with your agents, if a user inputs more than 1 email themselves during their journey, they may not be tracked correctly.

If you have any doubts about whether this is the right choice for you, please contact the support team before moving forward.

Fixing Errors: Assigning Origin emails and Disconnecting Leads

NOTE: This will only correct the current data that has come in incorrectly, it does NOT solve the core issue. To make sure this doesn’t happen again you will need to make sure you are following the payment workflows correctly.

There are a couple of issues that can arise from not following the correct payment workflow, here is how you can fix these errors:

Sales are coming in with no sources or click history.

This is usually caused when the email that is attached to the sale is not the same as the email the user booked a call with. Because the above workflows were not followed correctly, Hyros was not able to match the new email with the original one. A brand new lead is therefore created for the sale, without any click history.

IF this happens, you can manually connect the new email (and therefore the sale) to the origin email. Just do the following:

1. Go to Sales data -> customers -> calls and copy the email the user booked a call with.

2. Go to the new lead created, and click “assign origin”.

3. Paste the booking email to connect the emails together.

Alternatively, you can also use our phone close forms to ensure the purchase email is correctly assigned to the origin email after each close, just follow the guide HERE.

Sales are being attributed to the incorrect email

Sales are being attributed to the incorrect email

If your sales team input payments on a tracked page, they will likely be tracked and linked to the user. Any actions they perform moving forward will also be linked to that user.

To correct this, you will need to disconnect the false origin email from the user. This will wipe all IP addresses and other tracking information that might be connecting the emails. To do this just follow these simple steps:

1. Go to reporting -> customers -> sales inside of your Hyros account.

2. Click on the email that you would like to disconnect.

3. Next to the origin email, click disconnect lead, then click yes.

Ask your onboarding manager for clarification if needed.