Creating Custom Audiences With HYROS Data
For Facebook
This is a guide to syncing your FB audiences with HYROS data
If you haven’t integrated with Facebook yet, click here before following the video above.
Note: After syncing an audience with Facebook, that audience should be synced daily automatically moving forward.
Specific Tags vs Tag Prefix
When creating an Audience, you can select “Specific tags” or “Tag prefix” in the configuration.
- Specific tags: you will be able to select a series of tags you want from a dropdown to synchronize your audience with.
- Tag prefix: with this option you’re able to enter the initial part of your tags and synchronize your audience with all tags that start with the configured text.
In other words, if you have the following tags below and you want to include all of them in your audience:
Example list of tags you want to include:
You’ll just need to type in the tag prefix, for example, $stripe and all of the products that contain the prefix tag will be included in your audience. Once you start typing the tag prefix, you will be able to see the number of tags associated with the tag prefix.
Hyros Custom Audience Terms Not Accepted
If you have been told the custom audience terms have not been accepted, then please click on the link provided to accept the conditions. If it still does not work please ensure you have accepted the terms from the correct account. This error is from Facebook’s end and unfortunately can only be resolved by accepting the terms on the correct account.
For Google
This is a guide to syncing your Google audiences with HYROS data. In order to do this, go inside your Hyros account to Settings, then Integration and click configure Google, or you can click here.
In the Google integration, click the configure button of the ad account you want to set up audiences for.
Once inside the ad account, go to Google User Lists and click on the Create Audience button:
In the first field name the new audience, it can be any name you like, then click Create Audience.
The next step is to sync the events associated with this new audience. Here we have two options:
- You can go to Add tags
- If you have created multiple audiences and want to apply the same audience to them, tick the box in front of the audience you want to select and then press the Add Tags button here:
Next, we can choose any specific tag or we can choose multiple tags to sync your audience. You can select product tags, source tags or action tags.
If we have a sales call funnel for example, and we want to sync audience that booked a call, we can just use the $call tag. This will sync your google audience with all leads inside Hyros that have the $call tag.
Also, if you want to sync audiences with all leads that came from a specific ad, you just need to add the source tag @sourceexample.
Or if you can want to sync audiences with leads that came from a specific ad and also booked a call, you just need to add the source @sourceexample and $call tag.
Note: After syncing an audience with Google, it will initially sync with any previous applicable leads in Hyros and then will be synced daily automatically moving forward.
Specific Tags vs Tag Prefix
When creating an Audience, you can select “Specific tags” or “Tag prefix” in the configuration.
- Specific tags: you will be able to select a series of tags you want from a dropdown to synchronize your audience with.
- Tag prefix: with this option you’re able to enter the initial part of your tags and synchronize your audience with all tags that start with the configured text.
In other words, if you have the following tags below and you want to include all of them in your audience:
Example list of tags you want to include:
You’ll just need to type in the tag prefix, for example, $stripe and all of the products that contain the prefix tag will be included in your audience. Once you start typing the tag prefix, you will be able to see the number of tags associated with the tag prefix.