Tracking Recurring Sales and Subscriptions

In HYROS recurring sales can create issues if not tracked properly because they will show up as new sales when your processor sends in the purchase information.

Not to worry though, by default HYROS will automatically track any sales that are duplicated after 30 days or 1 year of the initial sale and mark them as a recurring sale, so this is taken care of for you. This will allow you to segregate your recurring revenue from your initial revenue inside the reports.

Please note if you have a Shopify store and/or you have a business where the product name or recurring charge amount changes throughout the subscription, you will need to also follow the Shopify or product packages guide below to ensure this tracks correctly.

Please read this documentation to understand exactly how Recurring sales work inside Hyros and ensure you are tracking them correctly.

Default Recurring Sales Tracking and How to view your Recurring Data

Video Guide:

Written Guide:


How to read Recurring Sales

Recurring Sales revenue will be shown under a completely separate column to your initial sales revenue, for example:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screenshot-at-Oct-09-21-34-29-1024x335.png
“Revenue” = Initial Sales Revenue
“Recurring Revenue” = Recurring Sales Revenue
“Total Revenue” = “Revenue” + “Recurring Sales Revenue”

Note that Recurring Revenue is totally separated inside the reports from your initial revenue. This allows you to read your initial sales data effortlessly.

You can also view and exclude your recurring sales inside the Sales tab. Just use the filters here to see your recurring or initial sales ONLY:Image

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Filtering-in-sales-data-1024x685.png

Excluding Recurring Sales from Reports

If you want your reports to contain information relating to your initial sales ONLY, you will be able to do this easily by simply selecting the “Ignore Recurring Sales” option in the advanced settings when loading a report:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Ignor-recurring-sales-NEW-1024x644.png

Adjusting the Automatic Recurring Sales Timeframe

If for some reason your products rebill within a different timeframe than 30 days or 1 year, you can manually adjust the timeframe for sales to automatically be configured as recurring inside your TT settings HERE.

For example, Let’s say a lead has a subscription that is charged on the 10th of each month. This will not always be exactly 30 days, sometimes for example it may be 29 days. If this is the case then please go to your TT settings via the above link and add a custom timeframe here.

Alternatively, you could change to “Product Based” recurring, which will apply an unlimited time frame instead. This means if the same lead purchases the same product (with exactly the same $tag), then the sale will be marked as recurring no matter the timeframe between sales:

You can also turn off automatic recurring tracking, or even prevent sales marked as recurring from being processed entirely inside Hyros.

NOTE: If the second $tag is different for any reason (for example if the price changes) then we will NOT be able to track this as recurring automatically unless you are using product packages or shopify order tags.

For example, if a lead purchases “$product-1”, and then the second charge comes in with the tag “$product-2”, then there is no way of us to read the latter sale as recurring as we will consider these 2 different products by default.

In this case, you will need to manually mark the specific sale as recurring or use shopify order level tags and product package following the steps below.

For Clickfunnels 2.0

When an event is sent to Hyros via the Clickfunnels 2.0 integration, we look at the order_type field, which should have the value of subscription-order when sent with the sale.

In simple terms, we need the sale to be marked correctly as a recurring sale within a subscription plan inside of Clickfunnels 2.0. If that is done and the information is sent correctly to Hyros, then we will be able to mark the sale as recurring inside Hyros, nothing else needs to be done on your end.

If the sale is not marked as recurring by Clickfunnels 2.0 or the information mentioned above is not sent with the sale, then Hyros will not be able to identify the sale as recurring.

Extra Subscription Information Tracked Inside Hyros

Hyros can also read from Clickfunnels 2.0 certain subscription information. Currently the integration will allow you to visualize the following information in your reports:

  • New Trials
  • Converted Trials
  • Canceled Trials
  • Canceled Subscriptions
  • One Time Sales
  • New Subscriptions
  • New MRR
  • Direct Subscriptions
  • Trial CVR
  • Churn Rate

You will also be able to see when a subscription starts or ends inside the lead journey. This is represented by the #tag in a lead’s journey.

To read more about how tags work and what they mean, please see THIS GUIDE.

You can visit the subscriptions tab to see your live subscriptions data per lead here:

Also you will be able to view your subscription details directly inside a report by clicking here:

Please note this extra subscription information is currently only available for Stripe and Clickfunnels 2.0 integrations at this moment in time.

For Shopify Stores

Step 1 – Adding the Order Level Tags in Shopify

Video Guide:

IF YOU ARE USING RECHARGE: Please note the video below only refers to a “rebill” tag at order level. However we will now also track an order as a recurring charge if the subscription recurring order tag is applied to an order inside Shopify, which according to Recharge, is applied automatically to recurring sales.

This means if you are using Recharge with Shopify you should not need to do anything to track recurring sales inside of Hyros correctly.

If you are not using Recharge please refer to the video guide below:

Written Guide 

Many Shopify store owners may come across issues with recurring sales inside Hyros. This is because Shopify stores often manage many different products and recurring sales may not be exactly the same with each charge, which leads to different “$product” tags inside Hyros.

As explained above, we need the recurring charge to be exactly the same “$product” tag as the initial charge in order to mark the sale automatically as recurring.

The good news is that there is a solution for this if you are a Shopify store owner.

First, please ensure you are integrated with Shopify. If you have integrated BEFORE May 2nd, please go to your Shopify integration HERE and click “Reset Webhook”:

Then just ensure your Shopify orders have the order tag of “rebill” before the payment is collected. This can be upper or lower case:

This will ensure all sales within the order are marked as recurring inside Hyros, regardless of any settings you have configured inside your true tracking settings or if the “$product” tag matches with the initial sale.

However, please be careful to ensure that the order level tag “rebill” is not added on the initial purchase, as this will mark a sale as recurring which is in fact an initial sale.

Step 2 – Change your Hyros Settings

Hyros has its own internal method of tracking recurring sales automatically which relies on “$product” tags matching correctly (please see the dropdown labelled “Default Recurring Sales Tracking and How to view your Recurring Data” for a more detailed explanation of this).

That being said, because Shopify stores often have a large quantity of products and variants, it’s more accurate to instead rely on order level tags from inside Shopify to track recurring sales.

For this reason, we suggest turning off the internal recurring sales tracking in your true tracking settings, otherwise we may overtrack recurring sales on certain occasions.

To do this go inside your true tracking settings and disable “automatic recurring sales” and “recurring products”:

Please be careful not to disable “Process Recurring Sales”, this is NOT related to our internal recurring sales tracking. Disabling this will block recurring sales tracked from Shopify from being shown inside of Hyros. Unless you would prefer to view initial revenue only, please keep this option on.

For Stripe

When an event is sent to Hyros via the Stripe integration, we look at the billing_reason  field, which should have the value of "subscription_cycle" when sent with the sale:

If this is the case, Hyros will mark the sale successfully as a recurring sale.

As long as your subscriptions in Stripe are correctly configured as subscriptions, Stripe should send us this data with their sales. If Stripe do not send us this information, then we will not be able to mark the sale as recurring.

Extra Subscription Information Tracked Inside Hyros

Hyros can also read from Stripe certain subscription information. Currently the Stripe integration will allow you to visualize the following information in your reports:

  • New Trials
  • Converted Trials
  • Canceled Trials
  • Canceled Subscriptions
  • One Time Sales
  • New Subscriptions
  • New MRR
  • Direct Subscriptions
  • Trial CVR
  • Churn Rate

You will also be able to see when a subscription starts or ends inside the lead journey. This is represented by the #tag in a lead’s journey.

To read more about how tags work and what they mean, please see THIS GUIDE.

You can visit the subscriptions tab to see your live subscriptions data per lead here:

Also you will be able to view your subscription details directly inside a report by clicking here:

Please note this extra subscription information is currently only available for Stripe and Clickfunnels 2.0 integrations at this moment in time.

For Woocommerce Stores

Recurring sales tracking for Woocommerce is dependant on the plugin used for recurring sales.

If you do not see your plug in here, please reach out to our support team and provide details on the plugin, we may be able to make updates to allow for recurring sales details to be tracked directly from your plug in, which should guarantee accuracy.

Rest API Subscriptions

This is currently the only plug in that enables us to track recurring sales directly from sales events sent from Woocommerce.

If you are using Rest API, then providing the order type is renewal then we will track the sale as recurring:

See Rest API’s documentations HERE for more details on sending subscription events.

If you are tracking recurring sales this way, then there should be no need to use Hyros’ internal recurring sales tracking, because if we are picking up recurring sales data directly from the integrations this should be even more reliable.

If this is the case, go to your true tracking settings and toggle off “recurring products”:

This will prevent Hyros from marking products as recurring and so we can instead rely on the recurring information sent to us by your Woocommerce integration, which is the recommend way of tracking recurring sales if possible.

This will conclude the recurring sales setup.

Product Packages

Video Guide:










Add a product to a package

To add a product to a Product Package just go to Hyros > Tracking > Products and click on the Actions menu of the product to add, click on Add to Package then click on the package you want to add the product to:

Remove a product from a package

To remove a product from a Product Package please go to Hyros > Tracking > Products > Product Packages

Expand the product package and click on the Actions menu of the product to remove, then click on Remove from package

Manually Configuring Sales as Recurring

This is especially useful if a user changes their payment plan halfway through their subscription. Because we track recurring sales when the same tag is attributed to the same user more than once, if a user changes their payment plan they will receive a different tag, meaning the sale will not automatically be recurring. Hyros allows you to fix this by manually changing that specific sale to a recurring sale.

To do this, simply go to the sales tab HERE, select the sales that you want to be recurring and then select “Mark As Recurring” as shown below:

Once you have done this, the revenue for those sales will show up in the recurring revenue column inside your reports.

Manually Configuring Sales as Non-Recurring

To manually set a recurring sale or multiple recurring sales to non-recurring sales, simply go to Sales Data -> Sales, select the sales you want to mark as non-recurring and click the button below: