
NOTE: Depending on what you want to achieve, follow the relevant guidelines. If you only use Gohighlevel pages, refer to the appropriate section. If you only use calendars, refer to the section on how to track calls.

GoHighLevel Integration

GoHighLevel Integration – Tracking sales

Use this guide to track GoHighLevel with Hyros

With the integration, we will be able to track leads, sales and refunds.
You will only need to complete the integration as shown in the video below.

1.- Go to the Integrations section and select the integration (GoHighLevel).
2.- Click the button and assign a name for identification (It could be any name, it’s just to identify it).
3.- Select the GoHighLevel account you want to use.

This concludes the setup.

Tracking without integration

Tracking your Funnel Pages

If you are using the GoHighLevel Funnel builder then tracking your funnel pages should be easy. First, copy the universal script below:

Then inside of GoHighLevel go to your funnels and select the funnel you would like to track. Inside the funnel settings, paste the universal script as shown:

Tracking Forms (OPTIONAL)

If you use any type of forms in Goghighlevel to collect customer information, you must follow the next steps:

You need to edit the form you are using in your pages, look for the HTML box in the menu on the left and drag/paste it inside the form.

Then click on the HTML section from the form and the click Edit script.

Copy the Universal script below and paste it inside the Custom HTML pop-up:

Tracking the Call

IMPORTANT : Please note that when you set up call tracking for booking calls, the user interface may be different. Please follow the steps from the Version A. if the UI is not the same, then follow the steps from Version B.


Version A:

Now that all of your pages are tracked, you will need to adjust your calendars to track a call booked.

First, either create a new calendar or edit one by going to calendars -> calendar settings as shown below:

When editing your calendar, go to confirmation settings and then scroll down.

Under the “form submissions” you must select “form submit redirect URL”. This will NOT work if you do not redirect the user upon submission.

Then insert your thank you page URL, and copy the following parameter and paste it at the end:


See an example below:

Lastly, when embedding your scheduler, please follow these steps:

1) Ensure that the Button action for the calendar is “Use action from calendar builder”:

2) Embed it on your tracked funnel page as a calendar and not an iframe/Custom JS/HTML. This is not mandatory to track the call but is recommended:

The setup is complete. You can proceed to the last step to perform a test.



Version B:

In your GHL account, go to Calendars in the left-hand menu and then Calendars at the top.

Next, go to the calendar you want to track, click on the 3 dots and then click Edit:

Select Forms & Payment and then go to the bottom until you see Confirmation page.

Make sure that Redirected URL is selected and then insert your thank you page URL, and copy the following parameter and paste it at the end:


The final URL link should look similar to this:

The setup is complete. You can proceed to the last step to perform a test.


Run a Test Call

Simply go through your funnel as if you were a user. Upon booking a call and being sent to the thank you page, you should see the phone number and email inside the URL. It should look something like this:


After a few minutes, you should also see the call listed with the email inside the calls tab in your hyros account.

If you do not see this, please contact the support team for further assistance.