Manually Tagging Sales/ Other Tags and Deleting Sales

Use this video to manually assign sales to a customer in your HYROS account. This works best for sales call based funnels with only a few high dollar sales a week. You can also use this guide to manually add @source and !action tags, which can be helpful if you need to correct an error made in your account. For more information on how these tags work also see THIS GUIDE.



Step 1 : Go to your PRODUCTS TAB HERE.

Step 2 : Click NEW PRODUCT. Name it for your reference, set its sale price and add it to category

Step 3 : Next go to your SALES AREA.

Step 4 : Click IMPORT SALES

Step 5 : Import sales using the listed format and then select the product you created in STEP 2 from the tag menu. You may set the date and also assign multiple sales at once using the importing format. You may also just copy and paste a list of emails.

Step 6 : Click send. HYROS will manually attach the sales to the emails provided.

ALTERNATIVELY – Click on a customer email, go to “purchases” and then click “add sale”. You will then be able to add a sale for a specific customer and select the date that the sale should be applied.

Remember: Sales will be assigned to the origin email of the email you assign the sale to. Here is more information on origin emails.

Manually Adding Sales via CSV

Manually Adding Sales via CSV


If you would prefer to upload sales via CSV, you can do so using the following columns. Please read the descriptions carefully and the example CSV below to ensure you use the correct format:

Email: The purchase email of the lead. This field is always required.

Tag: You can add any type of tag in here including a $sale, !action or @source tag depending on what you are looking to add to the lead. The most common tag will be the $sale tag for the purposes of uploading sales.

Price: If the row contains a $sale tag, you can indicate the individual price for that sale here. If the row contains a different type of tag you can leave this empty.

NOTE that if you have already created the product inside hyros with a value assigned then that value will be applied automatically unless otherwise specified, so adding the price will not be necessary.

Date: 2020-04-12 12:30 (date in YYYY-MM-DD + time, separated by a space. Time is optional but recommended).

Cost: If the row contains a $sale tag, you can indicate the individual cost for that sale. This cost will be reflected as a hard cost for that sale, which can later be excluded in the revenue inside your reports if desired.

Currency: If the row contains a $sale tag, you can indicate the currency code. If not present your default inbound currency will be used. Please see THIS GUIDE to understand how inbound currencies work.

Type: If the row contains a $sale tag, you can optionally specify if it corresponds to a “SALE” or a “CALL” product. If not present it will be considered as a sale.

OPTIONAL Salegroupid: This column is for E-Com businesses or for businesses that have orders with multiple products. In the salegroupid you need to add the orderid and this will help you to group products into one order.

Here is an example of how it may look:

Once you have completed your CSV file, you can upload it by going to the the sales tab, clicking “import sales” as shown above and then “import CSV”:

You’ll finally need to ensure each column value is assigned correctly, so in the example above you should select the following:

Column A = email

Column B = tags

Column C = data

And that should conclude uploading sales via CSV. The data should show successfully inside hyros. If not please contact VIP support or in-app support for further assistance.

Manually Deleting Sales

Manually Deleting Sales

Video Guide:

Was a sale applied to a user by mistake? No problem. To completely delete a sale, check the box in front of the sale and click the Delete sale button.

Another way to delete a sale is to click on the lead’s email and open their purchase history. For more information on accessing purchases for a lead, see the video above.

Then find the purchase you want to delete and select the “delete icon button” as shown below:

This will remove the sale from the user, without creating a refund in the system.

Manually refund a sale

Manually refund a sale

If you’d like the removed sale to be applied as a refund in your stats, then go to the sales tab, select the sales you wish to remove, and select “Refund sales” as shown below:

These sales will then be registered as refunded, and you will be able to see the revenue from that sale in the refund column inside the report.

Manually editing existing Sales

Manually editing existing Sales

We all know how important flexibility is when taking care of our clients, this manual sale input option will allow us to keep accurate tracking even when being extra flexible with our clients as well as in several other scenarios.

The process is quite simple, please go to Hyros > Sales Data > Sales and click on the user’s email address to get additional details about their journey:

After that please click on the Update Sale button from the Journey Tab to display the editor:

From this window we can edit pieces of data such as Price, Cost of Goods, Discount amount, Quantity, Sale Date and activate the toggle to identify the event as a Recurring Sale. After all appropriate fields have been filled we just need to click on Update Sale to complete the process.

Please contact your analyst directly if you have any questions regarding this process.