Adjusting Your Dashboard (Quick Reports)

Please see the following video to learn the basics on how to use the Quick Reports dashboards:

Use-Case Examples For Quick Reports

There are many different ways to use Quick Reports Views to view important data for your business, before trying to do anything more complicated, we highly recommend viewing our organizing mass data guide HERE to understand how to use the filters and edit sources/products inside of Hyros.

please see below for a few examples to help get you started:

Metrics Summary

Metrics summary is quite useful and easy to use. It is designed to display the performance of primary data, such as:

  • Leads
  • Sales
  • Calls
  • Total Revenue
  • ROI
  • Cost

Reading metrics is done in a very easy way and we explain with the following example how it works:

If, for example, we want to know the status of our events in a certain time frame, we will select in this example ” the last 7 days” (from May 23 to May 29), and these will represent the results for the chosen period:

Next, if we looks closely we still have some data right underneath each Metric.

The data below shows the percentage performance of the above metrics compared to the same period 7 days earlier.

In other words, if we select the timeframe of the last 7 days, from May 23 to May 29, this data will be compared to the same 7 day period of the previous week, which is May 16 to May 22. Depending on performance, the value will be either positive (e.g., calls 28% more) or negative (e.g., total revenue 44% less).

Top Products Widget Report

If you want to see the overall stats for a specific product or a product category right from your Hyros Dashboard then the Top Products widget is exactly what your are looking for!

Just go to your Hyros Dashboard and click on the + Add Widget box, then click on Top Products:

From the next screen we can configure our Widget preferences like include/exclude tags, ignore recurring sales, exclude hard costs, filter by product or product category, filter leads by tag, etc. After the options have been configured please click on Continue to go to the final screen:

From our final screen please choose up to 5 columns to be displayed in our quick report widget, the options to choose from are: AoV, Hard Costs, Hard Cost Percentage, Net profit, Net profit percentage, Recurring Revenue, Refund, Revenue, Sales, Total Revenue and Unique Sales. After choosing the columns to use please click on the Table Sorting Dropdown menu to choose which column will be used for this purpose, select the Order preferences for the data to be displayed (Ascending/Descending) and click on Save and Create Widget to complete the process.

Load Top Source data right to your Dashboard

This option will allow us generate a quick reference widget to see the most relevant sources from your ad platforms. From your Hyros dashboard please click on Add Widget:

Then click on the type of Widget you want to create, in this case Top Sources and then select the Attribution Type (Last Click/Scientific):

After this we just need to select the Source we want our Widget to load:

The next screen will show us the Advanced Options we are familiar with from our reports, allowing us to be extra specific with the filters to use, when all filters have been selected we just need to click on Continue:

To complete the process we just need to select the columns to add with a maximum of 5 columns per widget (Aov, Atc events, Atc rate, Cac, Calls, Cart Conversion Rate, etc.), based on those columns select Table sorting preferences and order for of the data when shown, when this step is completed the Save and Create Plugin button and your new Widget will appear right in the Dashboard:

Load Main Traffic source metrics based on what is important to your business

When Creating a new view, you should have the option to load a default “traffic source data” view. This will show you metrics from Facebook, Google and Pinterest by default.

However you can edit each widget to show specific metrics that are important to you. Just edit the settings of each widget and click through the filter section, then you will reach a list of metrics which you can adjust to suit you:

You can also create brand new widgets within the same view to add more traffic sources following this video:


Compare LTV by traffic source

Please take in mind the LTV widget has 2 types of LTV modes depending on what you want to see, LTV for First Click and Total LTV:

Before explaining these, for information on our general LTV modes to understand how LTV for sources and First click mode work, please see THIS GUIDE.

LTV for First Click – This is similar to our first click attribution mode and will take into account the date range selected on the dashboard. It will calculate the LTV of all leads who initially entered your system during the data range selected in the dashboard, up until now or within the time period you configure within the widget.

A good example of this is to create different widgets based on different ad sources. In this example we have created one for Facebook and one for Google, with a date range selected for the Christmas period.

This allows us to see the actual LTV of all leads who clicked on either a Facebook or Google ad during those dates as their first point of entry, up until today (or a specified time period you choose in the widget settings):

Total LTV – This is similar to our LTV for sources report. Use this widget if you want to ignore the date range selected in the dashboard, and instead just see the average LTV over a certain time period from a specific source or just in general.

An example of this is having a view with several widgets, all filtered to show the total LTV from Facebook only, but with different time periods. This will give you an easy view of how your average LTV changes over time from a specific source:

Compare data from a single traffic source in different attribution modes

This could be for example, comparing Fb Revenue in standard last click mode or last click using date of click attribution.

You could also compare data from Facebook in scientific mode with different Day range for first ad attribution settings.

Or just compare Scientific mode vs last click in a single view for a certain traffic source.

Unique Sales widget

This widget allows us to get a quick look at our Unique Sales from one or several traffic sources, to configure it please click on the Add Widget button in your Hyros Dashboard and then click on the Unique sales widget option:

Then select the widget type to use depending on your preferences and needs:

Display total value shows the whole group of sales and the Display tracked value takes into account the attribution mode (Last click/Scientific), the two methods have optional filters for sources, catregories, add/exclude leads, etc.

After your filters have been configured we just need to click on Save and Create Widget to complete the process.

Compare your data with different date ranges

Another helpful tool we have available is our Comparison toggle which you can activate right from the Hyros Dashboard. What this feature does is show you the data for the date range you select and  immediately compares it with the data captured in the exact previous date range.

In our example the Quick report will show us the data recorded from December 21st to December 27th and will compare it with the data recorded from December 14th to December 20th:

The ranges to compare depend on the date range you select for the quick report and we are certainly confident this option will provide helpful data to see how things are moving and to compare behaviors in real time.

If you have any questions please contact our support team or your Onboarding analyst directly.

Top Sources

This widget enables you to sort and filter your tracked data based on top sources. You can refine the data by sources, categories, or ads, providing a clear view of the best-performing items in your dataset.

You need to add a new widget and then select the Top Sources Option

Then select the Report you want to use for the widget

And select the filter that you want to see

Sharing Quick Reports with Clients and Team Members

You can do this in 2 ways:

1. By sharing dashboards

2. By exporting dashboards as PDF files:

Another great way to share quick reports with your team is to export them as a PDF file, to do this we just need to click on the Print View button on the upper right hand side of our dashboard for the PDF file to be generated:

The resulting file will show the same data your dashboard had at the time the document was generated including date range and all active wigets:

Seeing Quick Report Data Inside the Chrome Extension

You can also view a summary of data from a particular view inside your ad manager using the chrome extension. Assuming you have already set up the Chrome extension, click here inside the view to see a summary of the data inside of your ad manager:

This will allow you to view your most important data easily whether you are reading your stats inside Hyros or in your ads manager. You should see these metrics at the op of your screen here:

If you have not set up the chrome extension yet, please follow THIS GUIDE for more details.


Metrics Summary

Metrics summary is quite useful and easy to use. It is designed to display the performance of primary data, such as:

  • Leads
  • Sales
  • Calls
  • Total Revenue
  • ROI
  • Cost

Reading metrics is done in a very easy way and we explain with the following example how it works:

If, for example, we want to know the status of our events in a certain time frame, we will select in this example ” the last 7 days” (from May 23 to May 29), and these will represent the results for the chosen period:

Next, if we looks closely we still have some data right underneath each Metric.

The data below shows the percentage performance of the above metrics compared to the same period 7 days earlier.

In other words, if we select the timeframe of the last 7 days, from May 23 to May 29, this data will be compared to the same 7 day period of the previous week, which is May 16 to May 22. Depending on performance, the value will be either positive (e.g., calls 28% more) or negative (e.g., total revenue 44% less).

Top Products Widget Report

If you want to see the overall stats for a specific product or a product category right from your Hyros Dashboard then the Top Products widget is exactly what your are looking for!

Just go to your Hyros Dashboard and click on the + Add Widget box, then click on Top Products:

From the next screen we can configure our Widget preferences like include/exclude tags, ignore recurring sales, exclude hard costs, filter by product or product category, filter leads by tag, etc. After the options have been configured please click on Continue to go to the final screen:

From our final screen please choose up to 5 columns to be displayed in our quick report widget, the options to choose from are: AoV, Hard Costs, Hard Cost Percentage, Net profit, Net profit percentage, Recurring Revenue, Refund, Revenue, Sales, Total Revenue and Unique Sales. After choosing the columns to use please click on the Table Sorting Dropdown menu to choose which column will be used for this purpose, select the Order preferences for the data to be displayed (Ascending/Descending) and click on Save and Create Widget to complete the process.

Load Top Source data right to your Dashboard

This option will allow us generate a quick reference widget to see the most relevant sources from your ad platforms. From your Hyros dashboard please click on Add Widget:

Then click on the type of Widget you want to create, in this case Top Sources and then select the Attribution Type (Last Click/Scientific):

After this we just need to select the Source we want our Widget to load:

The next screen will show us the Advanced Options we are familiar with from our reports, allowing us to be extra specific with the filters to use, when all filters have been selected we just need to click on Continue:

To complete the process we just need to select the columns to add with a maximum of 5 columns per widget (Aov, Atc events, Atc rate, Cac, Calls, Cart Conversion Rate, etc.), based on those columns select Table sorting preferences and order for of the data when shown, when this step is completed the Save and Create Plugin button and your new Widget will appear right in the Dashboard:

Load Main Traffic source metrics based on what is important to your business

When Creating a new view, you should have the option to load a default “traffic source data” view. This will show you metrics from Facebook, Google and Pinterest by default.

However you can edit each widget to show specific metrics that are important to you. Just edit the settings of each widget and click through the filter section, then you will reach a list of metrics which you can adjust to suit you:

You can also create brand new widgets within the same view to add more traffic sources following this video:


Compare LTV by traffic source

Please take in mind the LTV widget has 2 types of LTV modes depending on what you want to see, LTV for First Click and Total LTV:

Before explaining these, for information on our general LTV modes to understand how LTV for sources and First click mode work, please see THIS GUIDE.

LTV for First Click – This is similar to our first click attribution mode and will take into account the date range selected on the dashboard. It will calculate the LTV of all leads who initially entered your system during the data range selected in the dashboard, up until now or within the time period you configure within the widget.

A good example of this is to create different widgets based on different ad sources. In this example we have created one for Facebook and one for Google, with a date range selected for the Christmas period.

This allows us to see the actual LTV of all leads who clicked on either a Facebook or Google ad during those dates as their first point of entry, up until today (or a specified time period you choose in the widget settings):

Total LTV – This is similar to our LTV for sources report. Use this widget if you want to ignore the date range selected in the dashboard, and instead just see the average LTV over a certain time period from a specific source or just in general.

An example of this is having a view with several widgets, all filtered to show the total LTV from Facebook only, but with different time periods. This will give you an easy view of how your average LTV changes over time from a specific source:

Compare data from a single traffic source in different attribution modes

This could be for example, comparing Fb Revenue in standard last click mode or last click using date of click attribution.

You could also compare data from Facebook in scientific mode with different Day range for first ad attribution settings.

Or just compare Scientific mode vs last click in a single view for a certain traffic source.

Unique Sales widget

This widget allows us to get a quick look at our Unique Sales from one or several traffic sources, to configure it please click on the Add Widget button in your Hyros Dashboard and then click on the Unique sales widget option:

Then select the widget type to use depending on your preferences and needs:

Display total value shows the whole group of sales and the Display tracked value takes into account the attribution mode (Last click/Scientific), the two methods have optional filters for sources, catregories, add/exclude leads, etc.

After your filters have been configured we just need to click on Save and Create Widget to complete the process.

Compare your data with different date ranges

Another helpful tool we have available is our Comparison toggle which you can activate right from the Hyros Dashboard. What this feature does is show you the data for the date range you select and  immediately compares it with the data captured in the exact previous date range.

In our example the Quick report will show us the data recorded from December 21st to December 27th and will compare it with the data recorded from December 14th to December 20th:

The ranges to compare depend on the date range you select for the quick report and we are certainly confident this option will provide helpful data to see how things are moving and to compare behaviors in real time.

If you have any questions please contact our support team or your Onboarding analyst directly.

Top Sources

This widget will allow you to sort the data based on the Top sources that you are having, you can filter the data by Sources, Categories, or ads. Basically it will whow you the best ones that you are having in your tracked data