Tracking General Email Softwares


Do you use any of these email autoresponders: Active Campaign, Braze, Drip, Klaviyo or Omnisend?

If the answer is yes, skip these steps and look at the standalone documents under the “Tracking Email Marketing” menu button.

Step 1: Place Our Email Parameter

Setting up email tracking in HYROS is simple. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the parameter below depending on your email software that you are using, you can also find a list of email parameters in the tracking area HERE. Just click EMAIL TRACKING in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Paste this parameter at the end of any link in an email you send.
  • Acuity: ?he=%email%&el=email
  • Campaign Refinery: ?he={{contact_email}}&el=email
  • CleverReach: ?he={email}&el=email
  • Drip: ?he={{ }}&el=email
  • Earnware: ?he=[email]&el=email
  • GetResponse: ?he=[[email]]&el=email
  • ConvertKit: ?he={{ subscriber.email_address }}&el=email
  • Mailchimp: ?he=*|EMAIL|*&el=email
  • Aweber: ?he={!email}&el=email
  • Infusionsoft/Keap: ?he=~Contact.Email~&el=email
  • Clickfunnels: ?he=#EMAIL#&el=email
  • Ontraport: ?he=[Email]&el=email
  • Everwebinar/Webinarjam: ?he={ATTENDEE_EMAIL}&el=email
  • GoHighLevel: ?he={{}}&el=email
  • HubSpot: ?he={{}}&el=email
  • Kartra: ?he={email}&el=email
  • Kajabi ?he={{email}}&el=email
  • MaroPost: ?he={{}}&el=email
  • Intercom: ?he={{email}}&el=email
  • Iterable: ?he={{email}}&el={{campaignName}}
  • SendGrid: ?he=[%email%]&el=email
  • SendLane: ?he=VAR_EMAIL&el=email
  • Sendy: ?he=[Email]&el=email
  • Smartemailing: ?he={{df_emailaddress}}&el=email
  • Lemlist: ?he={{email}}&el=email

EXAMPLE: If you are using Mailchimp you will place “?he=*|EMAIL|*&el=email” at the end of any link.

So if your link is “” you would add the parameter to make “*|EMAIL|*&el=email“.

When a user clicks on the link inside their email, the email will dynamically populate inside the URL, for example, “

This email will then be tracked by our script, and the “email” in the “el=email” will create the @email tag and apply it to the user, therefore tracking the click as a source.

WHEN TESTING the email parameter attached will NOT work outside of the email. You must click on the link INSIDE an email from an inbox, otherwise there will not be an email to populate inside the URL, which will break tracking.

Want to track events back to a specific campaign?

Want to track events back to a specific campaign?

By default we will track all email clicks under a single @email source tags, however if you want to track back to specific campaigns then just change what comes after el=.

For example instead of:*|EMAIL|*&el=email

We would add this to signify the campaign is called “email campaign1”*|EMAIL|*&el=emailcampaign1

This would generate a source labelled @emailcampaign1 inside Hyros.

Repeat this for each unique campaign.

Some email automation softwares will have a dynamic code to allow you to add the same code such as el={campaignname} to all of your links and generate the unique campaign name automatically.

Please consult with your email automation software support if this is something you would like to do.

Video Guide

NOTE: The video below shows a “hemail=” parameter being added to the link. This has recently been updated to “he=” which can be seen in the list of parameters above in step 1.

Step 2 – Test your Campaign or Flow

Send yourself a test email. Please ensure you send an email rather than just viewing a preview, as the UTMs will not display correctly in a preview.

Click on the call to action link and find the URL. You should see both the standard UTMs and the “he” email parameters attached cleanly in the URL like this:

Please take in mind some email softwares won’t display the dynamic data as expected in test emails, so you may see slightly different information than you were expecting. The important thing is that the UTMs are present and cleanly attached to the end of the URL.

Go through the funnel and opt in, book a call or checkout as if you were a lead.

After waiting a few minutes you should be able to find your tracked email under sales data -> leads. Click on the email and you should see the email source attached:

If you see this tracking has been successful!

If you do not see this , please follow the troubleshooting steps below:

If you don’t see your email

  • If you haven’t done so yet, make sure you follow the funnel steps and submit and email.
  • Make sure the universal script is added to all your pages, including on the page where you entered your email (such as the opt in or checkout page).
  • Please also check that the “he=” parameter generated the email correctly in the URL after clicking on the call to action link. If not please ensure there are no typos in the code, it’s also possible this is just because it was a test email, some email software’s will not display the correct email during tests.

If you see the email but no @source tag in the journey

  • Check the “el=email” UTM parameter is passed on correctly to the URL after clicking on an email link.
  • Ensure the landing page has the Hyros Universal script attached correctly.


How Does Email Tracking Work? “he=” vs “el=”

As you may have noticed, we have 2 different parameters which perform different functions that we advise adding to your email links:

For example, for active campaign these are: “?he=%EMAIL%&el=email”

Which can be split up into:

“he=%EMAIL%” AND



This will generate the email of the lead and add it to the landing page URL once they click on the link inside the email. So if the lead “” clicks on your email link it will generate a URL such as ““.

We use this to ensure we track that original email on the rare occasions that the lead comes back via email with totally different data points on a different device and then uses a different email.

So if they came back later in these circumstances and purchased using, we would be able to still track that email and therefore the purchase back to “” and therefore continue their tracking profile from the original ad click.

This particular section is mostly useful for businesses with longer journeys. For e-commerce businesses or any business with a very short journey, this parameter is not totally necessary and can be removed.

See a video explanation for this specific parameter below:


This is the part of the parameter that actually creates the source. When we read the “el=email” parameter in the URL we will create an “@email” tag.

You can also change the name after “el=” to change the tag, so for example “el=emailcampaign1” will create a source named “@emailcampaign1”. This is useful if you want to track sales back to a specific email campaign.

If you have standard UTMs such as “utm_campaign” attached to all of your emails already, you don’t need to use this parameter. You can instead generate a dynamic URL rule following this guide to create a source based on this UTM, which will allow you track events back to a specific campaign automatically:

Filtering Email and Organic Sources In Reports

You often do NOT want to include email sources on reports because they will take credit for the last clicks on many sales. This will make your ads look like they are not performing since email will take all the credit.

It is also very hard to see the results of email marketing because ads will take a lot of credit as well. Mixing these two traffic sources together can be messy.

We solve this by letting you filter out ads or email/organic sources when viewing reports. Inside Hyros email is treated as an organic source by default.

You can use this filter to view both, just email or just ads. This will give you a much clearer view of how email and ads are working on their own and together.


Pixel Warning: Potentially Violating Personal Data Sent To Facebook

Note that one of our email parameters may trigger this warning if the Facebook pixel is on the same site:

From experience, we have not been able to confirm any cases where this has caused any major issues so far.

Our current interpretation of this is that Facebook are just warning you that they can not use that data, which they never did in the first place. This data is used by Hyros only, so ignoring this should be fine.

HOWEVER please take this as an interpretation only, we can not predict Facebook’s behaviour with certainty. This is your responsibility, and if you want to be safe then there are 3 solutions for you to choose from:

  1. Go to your pixel settings and under “automatic advanced matching” open up the advanced options and toggle off any information that has been flagged by Facebook (this can negatively effect your event match quality):
  2. Remove the parameter causing the issue. For example, if it is the “he=” parameter, then remove that parameter from your email links and just use the “el=email” parameter or UTMs to track your sources.
    Please see the explanation on what the “he” parameter does under the “How does tracking work?” dropdown for more information.
  3. Remove the pixel from your site.