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Verifying Events Sent From Hyros to your Ad platform

Verifying Events Sent From Hyros to your Ad platform

This applies to Facebook, Google, Tik Tok and Snapchat at this moment in time.

If you encounter an issue with the events or notice any discrepancies, one of the first things you will need to rule out is if Hyros is sending the data to your ad platform correctly.

You can do exactly that in 2 ways inside Hyros:

  1. Checking the “Status” Column when deep diving into sales to see all sales regardless of the ad platform.
  2. Going to the specific ad platform integration and checking which events have been sent to that specific ad platform.

Both methods are explained in more detail in the following video:

Each ad platform may be slightly different when searching for the sent conversions inside your integrations. Select from the dropdown below and see how to view the “Sent Conversions” tab for your specific platform:




Tik Tok

How to re-send failed events in bulk

In order to send failed events in bulk back to your ad platforms you would need to navigate to the Integrations menu in your Hyros account, click the desired Ad Platform and navigate to the Sent conversions tab.

Once here select the Conversions you would like to re-send and click on “Retry conversions”

This feature is available for the following Ad Platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Snapchat
  • Tiktok

If the events are still in the “Failed” status please follow the below steps for more details on the possible reason.

Take in mind that we only send Sales, Calls and Leads that are attributed to the ad platform in the attribution mode you have set for your offline conversions.

Common Errors and Explanations

Below are some examples of common errors that may occur, and if applicable explanations on how you may resolve them.

Conversion does not belong to a Facebook or Google Sale

When you hover over the status column you may see the following error:

“The Conversion wasn’t sent because it does not belong to a Facebook or Google sale”

In this case this means that it simply has not been attributed to any ad click where the offline conversions feature has been activated for.

Please take in mind that that the purpose of Hyros sending data to your ads manager is to improve ad optimization by improving the ad platform’s ad attribution, for this reason by default we will only send sales attributed to the ad platform in question in the offline conversion attribution settings you have added to your true tracking settings.

If you’re not sure what this means, please the this guide for more details.

Click is too old (more than 90 days)

When you hover over the status column you may see an error message that says the following:

“the conversion wasn’t sent because the click is too old (more than 90 days)”

If you see this, find the specific lead email inside the report or in the sales details tab. Click on the email to open the lead journey and find the specific source click that is attributed to that sale in the offline conversion attribution settings you have added to your true tracking settings.

If you’re not sure what this means, please the this guide for more details.

In the example above, the sale occurred on 2023-10-25, and here the attributing click happened around a year before that:

Because the ad platform specifically restrict any events from being sent when they occur 90 days from the data of the attributing ad click, we are not able to send any events.

Conversion action does not exist Inside Google

When you hover over the status column you may see the following error:

“Conversion wasn’t sent because your account does not have a conversion action with a name that matches the label of this conversion”

If you see this error, there are 2 things you can try:

1) Re-add any deleted conversion actions.

Sometimes this error occurs because a Hyros conversion action previously created inside Google was removed, and Google are not able to create a brand new event on their end.

A common fix for this is to re-add your previous conversion action inside Google.

To do this, click on “view all conversions” and then select the previous conversion actions from Hyros events, and select “enable” as shown:

2) Create a brand new conversion action inside Google

If you have not removed any conversion actions manually, occasionally Google may have an error generating the conversion action automatically.

In this case you will need to manually generate the conversion action in the account before you are able to receive events.

In your Google Ads account, go to Tools & Settings, search for Measurement and click on Conversions. Then click the New conversion action button

The next step you need to click Import and select Other data sources or CRMs-> Track Conversions from clicks:

Here you need to configure the following entries, make sure the conversion name is exactly the same as the event you are sending (ask the Hyros support team if you are not sure about this):

  • Goal and action optimization: Select default conversion Purchase
  • Conversion name: The conversion name should match the conversion name you have inside Hyros (Offline conversions settings)
  • Value: select “Use the same value for each conversion” and then set the currency and the value for this specific conversion. For general conversion actions you will need to select “Use different values for each conversion”.
  • Count: here you need to select “Every”.
  • Click-through conversion window
  • Attribution model.

The customer has not enabled Enhanced Conversions for Leads

If you notice that a conversion is not being sent, it may have failed due to this issue:

Solution: To enable Enhanced Conversions on your Google Ads Account, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Goals > Settings.
  2. Check the box for “Turn on Enhanced Conversions.”

A dropdown will appear, prompting you to select the type of tag you want to use:
Step 1 Google Tag Manager: If you currently use Google Tag Manager for conversion tracking, you can set up Enhanced Conversions for web with only slight changes to your configuration.
Step 2 Google Tag: If you have conversion tracking implemented directly on your page (not within a third-party tool or iFrame), you can set up Enhanced Conversions for web using the Google Tag by making slight changes to your configuration.

Once you enable any of these options and apply the changes, the error should no longer appear.

For more information about Enhanced conversions please click on this link