Option A – Sending Hyros Events to your Existing Snapchat Pixel

This guide covers how to send events back to your existing Snapchat Pixel and events. This is the most recommended way to send events to Snapchat, however it’s not possible to do in all cases. 

IMPORTANT – Requirements for Setup

To be able to send events to Snapchat’s existing pixel and events and utilize deduplication, you must be able to add a piece of code to your Snapchat pixel event code, either manually or via an add-on that enables you to do so.

As of now we can not confirm an add-on that will add this automatically for you depending on your platform. However if you have one please let us know and we would be happy to test it together to confirm the setup works correctly.

We are working on an update to improve this, but if this is the case for you we suggest following the standard Snapchat Setup guide for offline conversions instead of this one to send Hyros events to a brand new pixel. 

Step 1 – Deduplication Setup

This documentation will cover 2 ways of deduplicating with Snapchat, as discussed in their documentation here.

  1. Client_Dedup_ID – For all event types (currently Hyros only sends sales events to Snapchat)
  2. Transaction_ID – For sale events only

Client_dedup_id Setup

For the actual Snapchat Pixel setup, we recommend following Snapchat’s documentation and having a developer assist you to install the pixel manually.

Generally automatic pixel setups do not allow you to add any deduplication parameters (although there may be some add-ons that allow this, please let us know if you find one and we will be happy to work with you to confirm this).

Our support and onboarding team are not developers and although they can do their best to assist you with any questions you may have specifically regarding adding deduplication, the manual setup of the Snapchat pixel is not within our scope of support. 

To add deduplication, you will need to add the pixel and event codes as advised by Snapchat, but then include an extra “client_dedup_id” parameter just like the following:

snaptr('track', 'PURCHASE', {
'client_dedup_id': 'Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 15)'

See the piece of code in bold above, you can simply copy and paste this into your event code on your site. This will generate a random number as the client dedup ID which can be used for deduplication. 

You can do this for any event type you want to deduplicate, but please note at the time of writing this article Hyros only sends sales to Snapchat. 

Please note this will not work for the “price” and “currency” parameters, you will need to find out the specific parameters for the specific software that you are using by contacting them directly. 

Transaction_ID Setup (Optional)

This step is optional, as the dedup ID above should be able to deduplicate events effectively. However you can add this if you have access to the transaction ID variable for the software you are using an want an extra layer of security for your deduplication accuracy. 

This specific parameter will only work with Purchase events. 

To add deduplication, you will need to add the pixel and event codes as advised by Snapchat, but then include an extra “transaction_ID” parameter which includes the transaction ID.

An example of this is shown by Snapchat here:

snaptr('track', 'PURCHASE', {
'transaction_id': '__INSERT_TRANSACTION_ID_VARIABLE__'

See the code in bold above, this is an example of how you would add the transaction ID parameter to the purchase event code.

You will need to ensure you add the variable for the transaction ID depending on the specific checkout/payment processor software you are using, please reach out to the specific software to find out what these specific parameters are.

Once you have it, add that in place of the ‘__INSERT_TRANSACTION_ID_VARIABLE__’ in the code above to ensure the transaction ID is generated in that parameter every time. 

You can also add the transaction ID at the same time as adding the client dedup ID in the same event code, just like this:

snaptr('track', 'PURCHASE', {
'transaction_id': '__INSERT_TRANSACTION_ID_VARIABLE__',
'client_dedup_id': 'Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 15)'

Why use the Transaction ID?

As you may have noticed, the client dedup ID is actually easier to install considering you only need a random number to be generated as the ID. The transaction ID requires you to find the variable for the transaction ID depending on the software you are using. 

The main advantage of using the transaction ID is that it allows for deduplication within a 30 day window, where as the client dedup ID only allows for deduplication within a 48 hour window. 

This means that if the event is not sent within 48 hours of the event occurring, then Snapchat will not use the client dedup ID for deduplication, but it will still use the transaction ID. 

This should only occur in very rare circumstances where the event is not sent within 48 hours due to an error. The transaction ID will still allow for deduplication in these cases but generally speaking it is not necessary. 

Step 2 – Begin sending Hyros events To your Snapchat Pixel

Now that deduplication is setup, Hyros can send events back to your existing pixel and existing event. If any of the events sent by Hyros already exist inside Snapchat, then Snapchat will deduplicate them.

Therefore Hyros is simply going to be “filling in the gaps” of what Snapchat is missing in this case, which will improve your optimization accuracy and effectiveness. 

Hyros however will not begin sending events back to Snapchat automatically, so please follow these steps to ensure events are being sent to Snapchat:


1. Navigate to https://app.hyros.com/external-services/snapchat/config

 2. Turn on “Offline Conversions” here.

3. At this stage you won’t see any pixels connected, click on the [[add pixel]] button.

4. Name the pixel whatever you like inside Hyros.

Select the ad account that contains the pixel you want to send events to. Once you do this you will be given the option to select between your existing pixels in your account.

Once selected, click “add” to add the pixel connection to Hyros.


5. You will now see the pixel inside Hyros, please check that the pixel code or pixel ID matches with the pixel inside of your snapchat account to confirm you are connected to the right pixel.

6. Congratulations, you are finished! Now Hyros will be sending sale events to your Snapchat pixel.

(Optional) – Send existing leads conversions

With the default configuration for sending data as offline conversions, the existing leads will not be sent back to your ad platform, only new leads will be send back to the pixel.

As an example, if the toggle is turned OFF, it means that the events that will be sent back will only be leads that opted in once. If the same lead opts in again from another source, then it will not be sent back as an offline conversion. At this stage, this lead is considered an existing lead.

If the toggle is ON, using the example above, whenever the same lead interacts with a new source and opts in again, then the event will be sent back to your pixel.