Zapier Integration

Step 1 – Ensure your Software Does not Already Integrate with Hyros

Most of the time you will be able to easily integrate directly with your checkout, payment processor or CRM in order to send sales into Hyros. We highly recommend following the initial guides HERE first, and only using this guide if you have a unique system that does not directly integrate with Hyros.

Step 2 – Track your Funnel Pages

Copy the universal script below and add it to the <head></head> code of all of your funnel pages, including your checkout pages if possible.

If you have a sales call funnel and your sales team checkout, please do NOT add this script to your checkout page, otherwise your sales team will be tracked and associated with the sale. For more information on this please see HERE.

Step 3 – Set up the Zap

General Setup Guide


UPDATE Hyros is already public and you don’t need a private link to find Hyros listed in Zapier. You can access your Zapier account here to create your zap connection

Be sure to watch the video set up first and use these written directions as a quick reference guide.

1- Ensure you have completed your initial set up instructions for the funnel you would like to track and confirmed your system does NOT have a native integration HERE

2- Ensure you are logged into Zapier and access our Zapier app via this link  HERE.

3- Find your checkout or processor under Zapiers integration list

4- Set your trigger event to be something related to a new payment, new charge or new customers. These options will be different for each system.

5- Check the data that is recorded in Zapier and ensure the customer email, product name and product purchase value are recorded.

6- Click test and continue to move to the HYROS Zapier step

7- Make the action event “Create Sale”

8- Under API key place your HYROS API key found under Settings ->Profile

9- Under “Item Name” select a piece of data from the sent in the information that clearly identifies the product name. This will automatically find the name of new product sales in the future.

10- Under “Email Address” find the customer’s email of the purchase and select it. This will automatically find the email address associated with new product sales in the future.

11- Under “Price” find the sale value of the new product sale. This will automatically find the product sales value in the future.

12- The remaining forms are an option and can be skipped.

13- Click done and then press the test and continue. You will see the customer sent into your HYROS account in the sale reporting area HERE.

14- Be sure to activate the Zap by switching it to “ON”. This will complete the ZAPIER integration of your checkout or processor.

Sending Outbound Events Via Zapier

Hyros will also appear in Zapier as a Trigger and not only as an Action, that way you can use Hyros events, such as a new sale or new call being tracked in Hyros, to initiate a zap and send data from Hyros to another software of your choice.

Click on this Link to access the Zapier App, then please follow the general setup steps (contained above this section) but use the Trigger instead of Action in Zapier.

From the Zap setup screen, select App and Event > Connect account then go to Hyros > Settings > Profile to get your API key and copy it to the required field in Zapier to complete the process:


What Events Can be used for the Hyros Trigger?

When Selecting a trigger event, there are currently 2 options available:

Bother of these options trigger when either a call or sale is attributed to a source, it’s important to note that if a sale or call is not attributed back to a source, the zapier will not trigger.

Therefore sales and calls are only sent that are attributed back to a source.


What Data Can Hyros Send?

  •  eventId
  • subscriptionId
  • type – either “sale.attributed” or “call.attributed”
  • date – date and time of the event
  • qualified – if it’s a qualified call or not (either true or false)
  • score – also identifies if the call is qualified or not. 1 is qualified and 0 is unqualified.
  • product
    • quantity 
    • price
      • price
      • hardCost
      • discount
      • refunded
      • currency
    • product name
    • id
    • product tag
    • product category
      • Category name
      • Category ID
    • orderId
    • recurring
  • attribution – will list out the following information 1 by 1 for each source (up to 30 sources)
    • disregarded source?
    • goal
    • sourceLinkId
    • Source name
    • Source tag
    • Traffic source
    • Source category
    • Is Organic?
  • lead – will provide the following lead information:
    • First Name
    • lastName
    • joinDate
    • UTCJoinDate
    • ips
    • email
    • phoneNumbers
    • tags – includes all source, action and sales tags the lead has in their journey

All of this data can be sent to other platforms via zapier, providing the receiving platform has the fields to receive this information.

Zapier and Wix (Wix Automations)

Use this guide if you are trying to send sales from Wix into Hyros, and do not have an option of sending the same sales from a direct integration at payment processor level (for example Stripe).

If you are not sure about this, please ask the support team for further assistance based on your unique businesses.


You can access you Zapier account HERE.

Zapier and Acuity (Call Tracking)

When do you need to track Calls with Zapier?

Most of the time, you should be able to track calls simply by following our initial setup documentation HERE. There is no need to use zapier for call tracking.

The most common reason to track calls with zapier is when you are using appointment setters. If they are setting calls manually, and the lead is not booking the call themselves, then tracking calls via the normal flow will track your appointment setter and cause attribution issues.

Zapier helps us work around this by sending the call without tracking the appointment setter.

If you are unsure if this applies to you, please reach out to the support team before moving forward, so we can clarify if this is the best way to track calls for your unique business.

Written Setup Guide

Step 1 – Ensure your appointment Setters are NOT being redirected to a tracked page after they book a call. 

In the case of Acuity, if you have followed the standard call tracking setup you need to remove code you placed here:

This will prevent your team from being redirected to a tracked page.

Step 2 – Ensure Your Appointment Setters use the lead’s Opt-In Email when Booking a Call

Because we are not tracking your appointment setters, we are also not tracking the email entered on the form with our universal script that you installed on your site.

This means if the lead originally opted in with the email “”, and then the appointment setter books the call with the email “”, we have no tracking information to link these 2 emails together.

We therefore rely on the emails matching to track the call correctly. The appointment setter needs to input the same call booking email as we tracked when they initially opted in, so we can track the call correctly back to the original lead and source.

Step 3 – Setup the Trigger in Zapier

  1. Click the link HERE to access your Zapier account.
  2. Create a new zap, and Choose “acuity scheduling” as the app and under the event field select “New Appointment”:
  3. Click continue and then log in to acuity following the prompts.
  4. If you only want to track calls from a specific calendar or a specific call type, you can select them here. If you want to track all calls via zapier leave these fields blank:
  5. Click continue and test the trigger. If successful move on to the next step.

Step 4: Set up the Action in Zapier

  1. Choose the “Hyros” App.
  2. Select “Create Call” as the action event:
  3. Click continue and then find the API key from your Hyros account under your profile settings:
  4. Back in zapier, use these instructions to fill in the sale event fields:

    API Key: Insert the API key from the previous step.
    Lead IP: Leave Empty.
    Event Name: if you would like to track each appointment type as a seperate call event inside Hyros, select the field “appointment type” from the dropdown.
    Please note that if you would like to track all call events under the same event in Hyros, you can also just manually type “Call” in this field instead as shown here:

    Email Address: Select the “Email Address” Field from the dropdown.
  5. Scroll down and fill in the final fields:

    Price: 0
    Price Format: Empty
    ID: Empty
    Date: Empty
    First Name: Optional (Select the field for “First Name” if desired)
    Last Name: Optional (Select the field for “Last Name” if desired)
  6. Click continue and test the event

    You should see the test event inside your sales data tab under calls, which you can find in your Hyros account HERE.Please note that sometimes zapier events can take slightly longer than usual to be sent into Hyros. If you do not see the test events after 30-60 minutes (to allow for any delays in the data), then please reach out to the support team.Otherwise, this conclude the setup.


Zapier with Calendly (Call Tracking)

When do you need to track Calls with Zapier?

Most of the time, you should be able to track calls simply by following our initial setup documentation HERE. There is no need to use zapier for call tracking.

The most common reason to track calls with zapier is when you are using appointment setters. If they are setting calls manually, and the lead is not booking the call themselves, then tracking calls via the normal flow will track your appointment setter and cause attribution issues.

Zapier helps us work around this by sending the call without tracking the appointment setter.

If you are unsure if this applies to you, please reach out to the support team before moving forward, so we can clarify if this is the best way to track calls for your unique business.

Written Setup Guide

Step 1 – Ensure your appointment Setters are NOT being redirected to a tracked page after they book a call. 

Step 2 – Ensure Your Appointment Setters use the lead’s Opt-In Email when Booking a Call

Because we are not tracking your appointment setters, we are also not tracking the email entered on the form with our universal script that you installed on your site.

This means if the lead originally opted in with the email “”, and then the appointment setter books the call with the email “”, we have no tracking information to link these 2 emails together.

We therefore rely on the emails matching to track the call correctly. The appointment setter needs to input the same call booking email as we tracked when they initially opted in, so we can track the call correctly back to the original lead and source.

Step 3 – Setup the Trigger in Zapier

  1. Click the link HERE to access your Zapier account.
  2. Create a new zap, and Choose “Calendly” as the app and under the event field select “Invitee Created”:

3. Click continue and then log in to acuity following the prompts

4. Select one event from your Calendly account:

5. Click continue and test the trigger. If successful move on to the next step.

Step 4: Set up the Action in Zapier

  1. Choose the “Hyros” App (Latest version)
  2. Select “Create Call” as the action event:

3. Click continue and then find the API key from your Hyros account under your profile settings:

4.Back in zapier, use these instructions to fill in the sale event fields:

Call Name: Call

Email Address: Select the “Invitee Email” Field from the dropdown.

Phone Numbers: Select the field for Phone Number, in this example is “Questions:Phone Number” (Optional)

6. Click continue and test the event.

You should see the test event inside your sales data tab under calls, which you can find in your Hyros account HERE.

Please note that sometimes zapier events can take slightly longer than usual to be sent into Hyros. If you do not see the test events after 30-60 minutes (to allow for any delays in the data), then please reach out to the support team.

Otherwise, this conclude the setup. You can hit the Publish Zap button.


Zapier with Schedule Once/Once Hub (Call Tracking)

When do you need to track Calls with Zapier?

Most of the time, you should be able to track calls simply by following our initial setup documentation HERE. There is no need to use zapier for call tracking.

The most common reason to track calls with zapier is when you are using appointment setters. If they are setting calls manually, and the lead is not booking the call themselves, then tracking calls via the normal flow will track your appointment setter and cause attribution issues.

Zapier helps us work around this by sending the call without tracking the appointment setter.

If you are unsure if this applies to you, please reach out to the support team before moving forward, so we can clarify if this is the best way to track calls for your unique business.

Written Setup Guide

Step 1 – Ensure your appointment Setters are NOT being redirected to a tracked page after they book a call. 

Step 2 – Ensure Your Appointment Setters use the lead’s Opt-In Email when Booking a Call

Because we are not tracking your appointment setters, we are also not tracking the email entered on the form with our universal script that you installed on your site.

This means if the lead originally opted in with the email “”, and then the appointment setter books the call with the email “”, we have no tracking information to link these 2 emails together.

We therefore rely on the emails matching to track the call correctly. The appointment setter needs to input the same call booking email as we tracked when they initially opted in, so we can track the call correctly back to the original lead and source.

Step 3 – Setup the Trigger in Zapier

  1. Click the link HERE to access your Zapier account.
  2. Create a new zap, and Choose “OnceHub” as the app and under the event field select “Booking Scheduled”:

3. Click continue and then log in to Schedule Once. Copy all these details from your Schedule Once account to continue setting up Zapier:

4. Next, click Test Trigger and then select a booking event from the first dropdown:

5. Click continue and if successful move on to the next step.


Step 4: Set up the Action in Zapier

  1. Choose the “Hyros” App (Latest version).
  2. Select “Create Call” as the action event:

3. Click continue and then find the API key from your Hyros account under your profile settings:

4. Back in Zapier, use these instructions to fill in the sale event fields:

Call Name: Call

Email Address: Select the “Customer Email” Field from the dropdown

Phone Numbers: Select the field for “Customer Mobile Phone” (Optional)

6. Click continue and test the event.

You should see the test event inside your sales data tab under calls, which you can find in your Hyros account HERE.

Please note that sometimes zapier events can take slightly longer than usual to be sent into Hyros. If you do not see the test events after 30-60 minutes (to allow for any delays in the data), then please reach out to the support team.

Otherwise, this conclude the setup. You can hit the Publish Zap button.

Zapier with (Call Tracking)

When do you need to track Calls with Zapier?

Most of the time, you should be able to track calls simply by following our initial setup documentation HERE. There is no need to use zapier for call tracking.

The most common reason to track calls with zapier is when you are using appointment setters. If they are setting calls manually, and the lead is not booking the call themselves, then tracking calls via the normal flow will track your appointment setter and cause attribution issues.

Zapier helps us work around this by sending the call without tracking the appointment setter.

If you are unsure if this applies to you, please reach out to the support team before moving forward, so we can clarify if this is the best way to track calls for your unique business.

Written Setup Guide

Step 1 – Ensure your appointment Setters are NOT being redirected to a tracked page after they book a call. 

Step 2 – Ensure Your Appointment Setters use the lead’s Opt-In Email when Booking a Call

Because we are not tracking your appointment setters, we are also not tracking the email entered on the form with our universal script that you installed on your site.

This means if the lead originally opted in with the email “”, and then the appointment setter books the call with the email “”, we have no tracking information to link these 2 emails together.

We therefore rely on the emails matching to track the call correctly. The appointment setter needs to input the same call booking email as we tracked when they initially opted in, so we can track the call correctly back to the original lead and source.

Step 3 – Setup the Trigger in Zapier

  1. Click the link HERE to access your Zapier account.
  2. Create a new zap, and Choose “YouCanBook.Me” as the app and under the event field select “New Booking”:

3. Click continue and then log in to YouCanBook.Me. Inside your Youcanbook.Me account, go to Integrations, click Connect with Zapier and grab the Zapier key to connect your account.

Copy the API key above and paste it into the pop window in Zapier to connect the systems.

4. Next, in Set up Trigger section,  ensure you select your scheduler:

5. Next, click Test Trigger and then select a booking event from the first dropdown:

6. Click continue and if successful move on to the next step.

Step 4: Set up the Action in Zapier

  1. Choose the “Hyros” App (Latest version).
  2. Select “Create Call” as the action event:

3. Click continue and then find the API key from your Hyros account under your profile settings:

4.Back in zapier, use these instructions to fill in the call event fields:

Call Name: Call

Email Address: Select the “email entered on the booking form” Field from the dropdown

6. Click continue and test the event.

You should see the test event inside your sales data tab under calls, which you can find in your Hyros account HERE.

Please note that sometimes zapier events can take slightly longer than usual to be sent into Hyros. If you do not see the test events after 30-60 minutes (to allow for any delays in the data), then please reach out to the support team.

Otherwise, this conclude the setup. You can hit the Publish Zap button.

Zapier with 10to8 (Call Tracking)

When do you need to track Calls with Zapier?

Most of the time, you should be able to track calls simply by following our initial setup documentation HERE. There is no need to use zapier for call tracking.

The most common reason to track calls with zapier is when you are using appointment setters. If they are setting calls manually, and the lead is not booking the call themselves, then tracking calls via the normal flow will track your appointment setter and cause attribution issues.

Zapier helps us work around this by sending the call without tracking the appointment setter.

If you are unsure if this applies to you, please reach out to the support team before moving forward, so we can clarify if this is the best way to track calls for your unique business.

Written Setup Guide

Step 1 – Ensure your appointment Setters are NOT being redirected to a tracked page after they book a call. 

Step 2 – Ensure Your Appointment Setters use the lead’s Opt-In Email when Booking a Call

Because we are not tracking your appointment setters, we are also not tracking the email entered on the form with our universal script that you installed on your site.

This means if the lead originally opted in with the email “”, and then the appointment setter books the call with the email “”, we have no tracking information to link these 2 emails together.

We therefore rely on the emails matching to track the call correctly. The appointment setter needs to input the same call booking email as we tracked when they initially opted in, so we can track the call correctly back to the original lead and source.

Step 3 – Setup the Trigger in Zapier

  1. Click the link HERE to access your Zapier account.
  2. Create a new zap, and Choose “10to8” as the app and under the event field select “New Appointment Booked”:

3. Click continue and then log in to 10to8 following the prompts from Zapier.

4. Next, in Set up trigger section,  ensure you select your scheduler.

5. Test the trigger and continue.

Step 4: Set up the Action in Zapier

  1. Choose the “Hyros” App (Latest version).
  2. Select “Create Call” as the action event:

3. Click continue and then find the API key from your Hyros account under your profile settings:

4.Back in Zapier, use these instructions to fill in the call event fields:


5. Click continue and test the event.

You should see the test event inside your sales data tab under calls, which you can find in your Hyros account HERE.

Please note that sometimes Zapier events can take slightly longer than usual to be sent into Hyros. If you do not see the test events after 30-60 minutes (to allow for any delays in the data), then please reach out to the support team.

Otherwise, this conclude the setup. You can hit the Publish Zap button.

Zapier with Braintree

Use this guide if you are trying to send sales from Braintree into Hyros, and do not have an option of sending the same sales from a direct integration at payment processor level (for example Stripe).

Click the link HERE to access your Zapier account.

Inside your Zapier account go and create a new Zap.

  • Inside Trigger, select Braintree
  • Then, under Event, select “New Transaction” from the dropdown menu

  • Log into your Braintree account
  • Test trigger.

When you’ve finished setting up your Trigger, the next step is to move on to Action.

  • Select Hyros (1.3.0) or the latest
  • Select “Create order” under Event
  • Choose your Hyros account
  • Under Setup action select the following:

– Email address: Customer Email

– First name: Customer First Name

– Last name: Customer Last Name

– Price format: Explicit

– Currency: Currency no code

– Items: Customer First Name

– Price: Amount

The last step is to test it and once you’re done, you can publish Zap.

If you are not sure about this, please ask the support team for further assistance based on your unique businesses.

Tracking Lead Gen Forms and other ad clicks via Zapier

When Would I use this?

In the majority of cases, we will be able to track ad clicks by using our standard initial setup guides and internal integrations.

However there may be some specific cases where we can not track an ad click, an example being on some lead-gen ads where Hyros does not have a native connection to track this type of traffic.

An example of this would be for Linkedin lead-gen forms.

For most other cases, we suggest checking with the onboarding team before moving forward, as there may be an easier way of tracking your traffic using one of our native integrations.


Tracking Setup

This specific guide will explain how to track Linked-in Lead-Gen ads via zapier, but it could be adapted for any type of traffic providing the source platform has a zapier connection which enables Hyros to receive the following information:

  • Lead’s email
  • Source information (if it’s an ad source, the IDs of the campaigns/ad groups/ads)

If that is the case, then simply adjust this guide depending on the specific platform you are trying to connect with Hyros:

1. In the Trigger section, click “App & event”. Select LinkedIn Ads and “New Lead Gen Form Response” from the Event field.

2. In the Account section, connect to your LinkedIn account.

3. In Trigger, select the LinkedIn Ad account you are using for tracking.

4. Here you can test the trigger and then you can continue to the Action to set up Hyros.

5. Select Hyros Beta and choose  “Create Click” from Event field.

6. Connect to your Hyros account by adding the Hyros API key, which you can find here:

7. If you have the link to the form available, add it in the Referrer URL field. If you do not have access to the URL form, you can also add

8. In the “SourceLink Tag” field enter “@Linkedin” or something similar, this way it will be easy to identify your leads who came from Linked inside Hyros later. (Its important to add th “@”at the begining of the tag

9. The “Is Organic” field should be “False”.

10. The “Integration Type” field should be “LINKEDIN” in upper caps.

11. The “Ad Source Id” field should have the campaign ID, or the field corresponding to the campaign ID from Linked-In.

12. Optional Step: in the “Tag” field enter “!Linked-in-lead-gen” or something similar, this way it will be easy to identify your leads who came from Linked-in Lead-Gen Forms inside Hyros later.

13. Select the field corresponding to the Email of the lead from here.

14. Date can be left blank, we will track the date of when the zapier event is sent to us automatically.

If you collect the phone number in the form, this field can be entered here.

15. Click “Publish”

Adding tags to leads via Zapier

To apply a specific tags to leads who provide their email address for your business, we can achieve this by following the guidelines below:

  1. Click the link HERE to access your Zapier account.
  2. Create a new zap and select the system you’re using.
  3. Configure the action by selecting Hyros (latest version) in Choose application and event. In the setup action, add the tag in the Tags field.

Troubleshooting Steps – Missing Sales from Zapier