Organic E-Commerce Initial Setup


This document is to provide step by step guidance on how to initially set up your HYROS account.

For the easiest setup, please follow each step in the exact order laid out:

Step 1: Setting up your Custom Tracking Domain

Step 1 – Configuring your Tracking Domain in Hyros

First, inside your True Tracking settings, go to the tracking domains tab. Click “Add domain”.

Enter your custom Domain. Please take the following in mind when entering your domain:

  • The domain you use must NOT be already in use in another part of your business.
  • You CAN use a subdomain of your existing parent domain. For example, if your business is hosted at, you can set your tracking domain to
  • Avoid using keywords like “track” or “tracking” for your subdomains to lower the chances of getting your domain blacklisted by crawlers.

Step 2 – Setting up your CNAME in your DNS Provider

Once you have chosen your domain, you will be given the following information:

  • Domain (the same one you just set up)
  • Type (CNAME)
  • Target (A unique target for your tracking domain)

It should look like this:

Copy this information and use it to set up a new DNS record of the type CNAME.

When setting up your DNS record, please be aware that the “name” or “host” field will be the pre-fix to the existing domain.

So in the example above the domain is “”, meaning in the name/host field you will just need to enter “t” as the name when setting up the CNAME record.

If the domain is “” then the name will be “www”.

You can see further steps on setting up the CNAME for each specific domain provider here:


If your Clickfunnels domain is hosted on another platform, such as NameCheap or GoDaddy, then you will need to manage the DNS settings there. Otherwise, follow the steps below.

Inside your Clickfunnels Dashboard:

  • Go to Profile account and select Account Settings
  • Then, in the menu on the left, click Domains
  • Choose your domain
  • Add CNAME record

Once you’ve finished following the steps above, your DNS should look like the image below:


If the domain is hosted here and you have a cloudflare nameserver in another Domain registrar/provider, then the settings will need to be configured here instead of the domain provider.

If this is the case, then inside Cloudlfare select your website:

Then select “DNS”, click “Add Record” and use the information from Hyros to add the CNAME record, please also turn off the proxy, otherwise Hyros or any other tool will not be able to verify the CNAME:

Now please move on to the next step.

cPanel (HostGator,,,

If your site is hosted on Hostgator or any of the other sites mentioned, then the DNS management will most likely be done via cPanel.

Please note that this example specifically uses cPanel hosted on a Hostgator account, however the processor should be very similar for all sites.

If you see the HostGator name server here, then the site is hosted on HostGator and you can manage the DNS In cPanel:

If you see another Nameserver that is not HostGator, then you will need to manage the DNS settings on that host platform, such as Cloudflare.

Assuming you are hosting on HostGator: go to “Domains” and then “Zone Editor” in cPanel:

Then click “+CNAME Record” and add the Name and CNAME given to you in your Hyros account from the previous step:

Once created, you should also be able to see the CNAME record when you click “manage” on that specific domain.

Now please move on to the next step.


Please note that this is a Domain Registrar that allows you to manage DNS and host elsewhere. If it is hosted elsewhere, such as on Shopify or Cloudflare, then the DNS management needs to be done on their side.

If this is not the case, then first select your domain and select “Manage DNS” as shown here:

Then select “Add” and use the information povided by Hyros to add the DNS record:

Now please move on to the next step.


You can only modify the DNS in namecheap when the domain points to default Name Servers like this:

When something else is saved under “nameservers” such as CloudFare’s or cPanel’s name server then the management is done inside Cloudfare/cPanel etc, so please go to the steps for them instead.

It will look something like thise if you are hosting the domain elsewhere:

If the name server is not changed (for example Shopfy does not require you to change name servers) then go to the “Advanced DNS” section on the domain you are setting up to add a new record:

Now please move on to the next step.


First of all, please note that if your Shopify domain is hosted on another platform, such as NameCheap or GoDaddy, then you will need to manage the DNS settings there.

You can check this inside Shopify by going to your “domains” setting tab, then under the domain name you will see it say “managed by Shopify” if it is hosted on Shopify.

If that’s the case, select “domain settings” and “edit DNS settings”” as shown here:

Then, select “add custom record” and then add your CNAME record using the information provided from Hyros in the first step:

Now please move on to the next step.


First of all, please note that if your WPX domain is hosted on another platform, then you will need to manage the DNS settings there.

If the domain is hosted on WPX, then select “Edit DNS” and create a new record for your domain. Then using the details you made inside of Hyros, create the CNAME record:

Then move on to the next step.

Step 3 – Verifying the CNAME Record

Once you have done this, go to the domain in your tracking domains tab in Hyros and click “continue”, then click “Verify Account”. This will start the verification process for your domain.

Please allow some time for the domain to verify, this can take anywhere from a few seconds to up to 24 hours depending on the domain provider, which is why we suggest completing this step first. That way you can continue with the rest of the setup whilst you wait for the domain to verify.

If after waiting for 24 hours you still are not able to verify the CNAME record, please Google’s dig tool to verify that the CNAME record exists.

To use it correctly, select “CNAME” and then add the full domain with the name included in the “Name” field.

For example if the “name” you used to add the CNAME record was “t” and the full domain is “” then enter “”.

Please see the screenshot below for another example:

If you do not see the CNAME record as shown here, this means it’s likely that the CNAME record was not added correctly.

If you do see the CNAME record here but you can not verify the CNAME inside of Hyros, then it is possible there is an issue inside Hyros. First, please try simply deleting the domain inside Hyros and re-adding it, and clicking “verify account” again.

If this does not work, then please reach out to the support team for further assistance in this case.

If the domain is not verified when you begin adding the universal tracking script later in the initial setup process, you can use the default script to begin with, which we recommend swapping with your unique domain script once verified for optimal tracking.

Step 4 – Using your Custom Tracking Script

Once the domain has been verified you will be able to copy the script directly from the tracking domains tab, or from the tracking script tab.

Please ensure you select the custom domain before copying the script as shown here:

Then just paste the script in-between the <head></head> code of your funnel pages as per our standard setup guides.

You will also be able to access it directly on the embedded script throughout this guide. It will look just like this, as you can see you have the option to select a custom domain before copying the script:

If you need to wait for your domain to be verified, please move on to the next steps and just use the default universal tracking script when prompted. Then later we advise swapping the default script with your unique domain script once verified for optimal tracking.

Step 2 – Tracking your Sources

Please select from the dropdown depending on what you would like to track and follow the guide:

Tracking Specific Organic Links or Pages

This option to track using manual source parameters is very useful when we want to track specific links or pages.

To track any organic source simply add a manual source link parameter with ?el= followed by the name of the source you would like to track to the end of a URL.

HYROS will then create a source based on the name you used in that parameter and begin attributing clicks and sales to it.

Individual Source Link Tracking

To track specific traffic sources just change the text that comes after “=”

For example This will create a source automatically named “@pinterestpost1”.

For example, if you create 3 sources using this method such as “pinterestpost1”, “pinterestpost2” and “pinterestpost3” then when you load up a report you will be able to see how much traffic is coming in via each post. This can be useful for tracking the performance of individual links and pages.

Organizing Your Sources

We also recommend using our extra UTM parameters to automatically allow you to add these new organic sources into specific traffic sources, inside of Hyros.

Although this is an optional step, it allows you to better organize and segment your data later based on this information, without having to manually adjust any sources later.

To do this, simply add the following UTM parameter at the end of ?el=yoursource, separated by an & symbol:


So in an example where we are tracking three separate Pinterest links, instead of just using ?el=pinterestpost1, then ?el=pinterestpost2 etc, we would instead use the following UTM parameters for each link:

As you can see, although in this case we are creating 3 different sources by changing the name slightly after el=, we are including them within the same traffic source, which will allow us to group them together by traffic source in the reports later in a more automated way.

For more details on some specific setups, follow the use case examples below.


Use-Case Examples

Tracking Email Traffic

To track leads accessing your email links, follow these guidelines.

In order to track specific links from your email campaigns, you need to add the he= and el= parameters at the end of the URL link.

Depending on your email software that you are using, you need to copy the email parameter that is associated:

Select the parameter associated with your autoresponder
  • Active Campaign: ?he=%EMAIL%&el=email
  • CleverReach: ?he={email}&el=email
  • Drip: ?he={{ }}&el=email
  • GetResponse: ?he=[[email]]&el=email
  • ConvertKit: ?he={{ subscriber.email_address }}&el=email
  • Mailchimp: ?he=*|EMAIL|*&el=email
  • Klaviyo: ?he={{ email }}&el=email
  • Aweber: ?he={!email}&el=email
  • Infusionsoft/Keap: ?he=~Contact.Email~&el=email
  • Clickfunnels: ?he=#EMAIL#&el=email
  • OmniSend: ?he=[[]]&el=email
  • Ontraport: ?he=[Email]&el=email
  • Everwebinar/Webinarjam: ?he={ATTENDEE_EMAIL}&el=email
  • GoHighLevel: ?he={{}}&el=email
  • HubSpot: ?he={{}}&el=email
  • Kartra: ?he={email}&el=email
  • Kajabi ?he={{email}}&el=email
  • MaroPost: ?he={{}}&el=email
  • Intercom: ?he={{email}}&el=email
  • SendGrid: ?he=[%email%]&el=email
  • SendLane: ?he=VAR_EMAIL&el=email
  • Sendy ?he=[Email]&el=email
  • Lemlist: ?he={{email}}&el=email

In the example below, we have the following link:

When adding the parameter the final URL link with the he parameter will be like this:{{ email }}&el=email

If we have existing utm’s attached to the links, something like the link below:

We need to make sure that we add the & sign between the parameters.

The final URL link will be like this:{{ email }}&el=email

Important: Please note that when we add the email parameter to any URL link we want to track the source, we need to make sure that the traffic is sent to a page where we have the Universal script, otherwise we will not be able to track the source of leads.

Should I Add the Above Parameters Globally or On Each Link?

Some email softwares will allow you to add parameters globally, which will be a much easier setup. However this entirely depends on the email software you are using.

One specific example where we can add the parameter el=email globally would be Klaviyo.

For more details follow the example below:

Tracking Other Random Sources Using URL Rules

URL rules are an easy create way to create sources passively if the visiting URLs have distinct words or snippets in the URL.

How URL Rules Work

When URL rules are set HYROS will watch the URL that people visit from. Many times our users already have UTMs on these URL or they have distinct text in them.

An example is if you already have set up UTM parameters on your ORGANIC traffic. For example, a visit from youtube may have ?utm=youtube in the URL of the visitor.

You can create a rule that will allow HYROS to spot these unique terms and if spotted attribute a source to the visitor. This allows you to easily plug large tracking gaps from organic and easy to miss sources.

How To Create a URL Rule

Creating URL rules is easy. To do so just go TRACKING ->URL RULES. Then click “+ Add new rule”

Next, inside the tag field set the tag to something that will indicate the source, action or sale you would like to track. Make sure you use the correct tag type depending on what you would like to track, to read more about how are tags work please see the guide HERE.

After, adjust the name to whatever you like. For example, if you are using a URL rule to track youtube organic traffic, change the name to “Youtube” or “Youtube_Organic”.

Then analyze the text of visiting URLs you would like to track. For example, if you are sending traffic with a URL that looks like this “” you will want to use the unique text “utm_source=youtube”.

Paste this text in the “Words to match” form. Here is an example:

Use-Case Examples

Please see the dropdown below and follow the exact steps to track some of the more commonly found external sources:

Step 3 : Connecting Your Store





Use this guide to track your Shopify Store with Hyros using the Shopify “Pixel” feature. This will provide better tracking functionality and an easier setup.

Ensure Your Shopify Plan Meets Requirements
Before beginning the integration process, it’s crucial to ensure that your Shopify account is on the Shopify, Advanced or Plus plan. This requirement is due to the need to send identifying information (such as emails and phone numbers) to Hyros with each sale, which is NOT available on the Basic

Why is this important?
The Shopify plan and above provide enhanced API access, allowing for the transmission of essential customer data alongside sales information. This level of detail is necessary for Hyros to track your
sales accurately and provide the insights you need to optimize your store’s performance.

How to check your plan
Log into your Shopify admin, click on ‘Settings,’ and then ‘Plan and permissions.’ Here, you can see
your current plan and upgrade if necessary.
For a reference to all available Shopify plans and to choose the one that best fits your business
needs, visit Shopify Pricing.

Note: Once you have confirmed or upgraded to the appropriate Shopify plan, proceed with the integration steps outlined in this guide to set up your store with Hyros.

Step 1 – Integrate with Shopify to begin Receiving Sales

Use our integration HERE to integrate your store.

Once integrated scroll down and toggle on add to cart tracking, then click “Get Configured tracking script” and copy the script.

Step 2 – Prepare and add the Hyros Universal Script

This needs to be done in 2 places:

1) Inside your Theme Code

Copy the script below:

Go into your Shopify account and place it on your Shopify pages by going to online store -> themes -> edit code -> theme.liquid and inserting the code between the “<head></head>” tags as shown in the screenshots:

Slide 1
Go to your Themes and click on Edit code
Slide 2
Paste the script after the tag
next arrow
previous arrow

Changing or Updating Themes may Over-ride the Script!
If you have any changes or updates to your theme in Shopify later please be sure to double check that the universal script is still present.

2) Inside the pixel or “customer events” settings

First we need to edit the Universal Script you used in the previous step to ensure it works correctly in the Shopify custom pixel. To do this follow the steps below:

Go to Tracking, click on Additional Scripts, and enable Shopify Script and Shopify Pixel Script. Finally, copy the Script.

Now you have your script, paste it inside your newly created custom pixel:

Inside your “Customer events settings, click “Add custom pixel” and add a name for that pixel (for example “Hyros”:

Slide 1
Go to your settings
Slide 2
Add a Custome Pixel
You can do this in the customer events settings
Slide 3
Paste the script you configured
It does not matter where it goes, but if you’re worried
just add it exactly as show here below the existing text
next arrow
previous arrow
3) Enabling Email as Contact Method

Go to SETTINGS at the bottom of your Shopify dashboard left sidebar menu. Ensure that the Email field at checkout is enabled. If a user does not enter an email we won’t be able to track the sale.

Click SAVE in the top right hand corner.

This concludes the setup.

Note: If you have any of the following extra add-ons with Shopify please see the specific guide for that add-on to ensure tracking is setup correctly:

Optional Steps:


Step 1 – Install the Universal Script

Video Guide:


Inside Hyros go to Tracking Scripts -> (opens in a new tab)”>Tracking -> Tracking Scripts -> Get script -> Copy script. Alternatively, you can copy the script below.

Step 2 – Add code to order confirmation page

Inside your Squarespace account you need to install the below code into the order confirmation page:

<div id=“hyros-email”> {customerEmailAddress} </div>

Inside your Squarespace dashboard got to Settings. Then you need to select Advanced:

In Advanced you must select Code Injection:

Here you need to scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the order confirmation page and paste the small snippet of code where you have place:


IF YOU WANT TO TRACK RECURRING SALES : Please be aware that WooCommerce does not currently send recurring sales into Hyros by default. We currently track recurring sales for WooCommerce users who also use the YITH Subscription plugin.

If you are using a different plugin for recurring sales, please contact support and we can try to make an update for your particular case to track recurring sales.

Track Cost of Goods with WooCommerce:
To accurately track the cost of goods in your WooCommerce store, you need to install the following FREE plugin: Cost of Goods for WooCommerce.
For detailed installation instructions, please refer to the bottom of this section.

Video Set Up Guide

Here is a link to our WooCommerce integration

Here is the UNIVERSAL script referenced in the video

WooCommerce does not have written instructions because every WordPress site is different. When setting up your tracking in WooCommerce refer to the video above.


Optional steps:

Other Systems/Zapier

Contact the in-app support.

Step 4 : Setting up your currency

Currency Conversions

Hyros allows you to convert the currency that we receive from your payment software and display a currency of your choice easily inside Hyros.

To configure your currency conversion settings, just go inside your true tracking settings HERE, and select the correct currency on your Inbound and Outbound Currency:

Inbound Currency – This refers to the currency that your integrations are using. For example, if sales are shown in USD inside your payment processor account, select USD.

IF you are using multiple currencies for different payment softwares that are integrated with Hyros, you can select the inbound currency for each specific integration inside the Integrations tab. Just click on the integration you wish to use to convert your currency and change the inbound currency. Inbound currencies set on a specific integration will take priority over the inbound currency set inside your true tracking settings.

Outbound Currency – This is the currency that Hyros will show inside your account, and what you will see inside your reports. This NEEDS to match with the currency shown inside your ad accounts, otherwise, the data will not make sense when comparing with Facebook or Google.

At this time we only allow a single outbound currency. Having multiple outbound currencies would cause confusion inside your reports as it would be displaying multiple currencies alongside each other.

If you already have sales inside your account, you can select the option to “Update Sales Prices” to change the currency on your previous sales as well. Please ensure that the inbound currency is correct first before doing this though.


Multiple Currencies from a Single Store or Integration

This is most useful when you have an e-commerce store or any funnel that accepts multiple currencies on the same site. In order to convert these values correctly, you will need to select “Grab currency from event” inside your integration as shown below:

This ensures hyros does not assume that all values are in the inbound currency only. Hyros will instead read the currency from each sale, then convert that currency to the selected Hyros currency.

This is not available for all integrations.

WARNING: Currency Conversion and Your Revenue Cap

As you know, your account is billed depending on revenue tiers. If you go above the cap for your pricing tier, you will need to upgrade your subscription in order to continue to receive data. This is why it is VERY important to configure your inbound currency correctly. For example, if you have your inbound currency set to USD (by default), but you’re actually using pesos, Hyros will assume that number is in USD and you will reach your cap much faster than you should.

For more information on how your billing plans work, please see HERE.

Step 5 : Testing And Confirming Your Tracking

Organic Links Tracked with the “el=” Parameter

Part 1 – Checking the Hyros Organic Tracking Parameter 

First find the live organic link which you are trying to track.

Click on the link just like a lead would. When you are sent to the landing page, check the URL of that page. You should see the Hyros tracking parameter clearly attached in the URL like this:

Also note if you have multiple UTMs on that link and Hyros is NOT the first one, then it should begin with an “&” symbol instead of an “?”, just like this:

If the URL does not appear with our tracking parameter cleanly attached, then there could be a number of issues. Please check the following:

  • Please make sure you have added the Hyros tracking parameter on your link.
  • If added, please make sure there are no typos on the URL.
  • Please also make sure there are no redirects on that link, as these may drop any tracking parameters.

If you have followed all of these steps and you are still having issues, please let the support team know and send us the link in question so we can investigate further.

If it is working correctly, please move on to the next step.

Part 2 – Testing the Opt-in

Please note that if your funnel does not have an opt in you can go straight to the next step to test the sale.

If it does, after confirming part 1, please carry on through the funnel as if you were a lead and opt-in.

Then inside your Hyros account go to the “sales data” tab and then to “leads”, you should see the email you just used for your test opt-in here:

Then if you click on the email itself, you will open the lead profile. You should see the source labelled as a “@tag” in the journey just like the example below:

If you do not see any email inside the “sales data tab”  – then it is likely that the optin page does not have our universal script attached. Please revisit step 4 to make sure all pages, including any embedded opt-in forms, have the universal script in the header code.

If you see the email but do not see the @source tag in the journey – In this case either you have not added the Hyros tracking parameter correctly or the landing page is not being tracked by our universal script.
Please revisit the previous steps in the guide to ensure you have added the manual tracking parameter “el=” correctly, and also make sure you have added the universal script to the landing page following step 4.

If everything is working, please proceed to the final test.

Part 3 – Testing your Sales Tracking 

Staying on the same funnel, carry on like a lead would and perform a test purchase.

Allow a few moments and check the same lead journey again, you should see a new $tag, signifying a sale has been tracked and has been attributed correctly to the lead you have created.

See the below screenshot as an example:

If you do not see any sale – please go back to step 5 to confirm you have integrated with the correct checkout or payment processor software.

If you see a sale, but not attributed to the same email – If you used a brand new email for the test purchase that did not match with the previous email we tracked, then it’s possible that the checkout page is not being tracked by our universal script. Please check step 4 again to confirm all pages are being tracked by the universal script.

If the sale is correctly inside Hyros and attributed to the lead the setup is complete. Please test any other sources and funnels in the same way.


Part 1 – Checking the Hyros Email Tracking Parameter 

Send yourself a test email from your email software. Please note that this is the only way to test it properly, if you try and test the link from anyone outside of a real email, our URL parameters will not work in the same way.

Click on the link just like a lead would. When you are sent to the landing page, check the URL of that page. You should see both of Hyros tracking parameter clearly attached in the URL like this:

After “he=” you should see your test email loaded in the URL.

Also note if you have multiple UTMs on that link and Hyros is NOT the first one, then it should begin with an “&” symbol instead of an “?”, just like this:

If the URL does not appear with our tracking parameter cleanly attached, then there could be a number of issues. Please check the following:

  • Please make sure you have added the Hyros tracking parameter on your link.
  • If added, please make sure there are no typos on the URL.
  • Please also make sure there are no redirects on that link, as these may drop any tracking parameters.
  • Please check you are testing from an email in your inbox and not from anywhere else.

If you have followed all of these steps and you are still having issues, please let the support team know and send us the email in question so we can investigate further.

If it is working correctly, please move on to the next step.

Part 2 – Testing the landing page tracking

After confirming part 1, inside your Hyros account go to the “sales data” tab and then to “leads”, you should see the email that was loaded in the URL on the previous step here:

Then if you click on the email itself, you will open the lead profile. You should see the source labelled as a “@tag” in the journey just like the example below:

If you do not see any email inside the “sales data tab”  – then either the “he=” tracking parameter is not correctly in the URL, or it is possible that the landing page does not have our universal script attached.
Please revisit the email setup step to ensure the parameters are added correctly, and then step 4 to make sure all pages have the universal script in the header code.

If you see the email but do not see the @source tag in the journey – In this case either you have not added the Hyros “el=” tracking parameter correctly or the landing page is not being tracked by our universal script.
Please revisit the previous steps in the guide to ensure you have added the manual tracking parameter “el=” correctly, and also make sure you have added the universal script to the landing page following step 4.

If everything is working, please proceed to the final test.

Part 3 – Testing your final funnel pages and Sales Tracking 

Staying on the same funnel, carry on like a lead would and perform a test purchase.

Allow a few moments and check the same lead journey again, you should see a new $tag, signifying a sale has been tracked and has been attributed correctly to the lead you have created.

See the below screenshot as an example:

If you do not see any sale – please go back to step 5 to confirm you have integrated with the correct checkout or payment processor software.

If you see a sale, but not attributed to the same email – If you used a brand new email for the test purchase that did not match with the previous email we tracked, then it’s possible that the checkout page is not being tracked by our universal script. Please check step 4 again to confirm all pages are being tracked by the universal script.

If the sale is correctly inside Hyros and attributed to the lead the setup is complete. Please test any other sources and funnels in the same way.

URL Rules

Part 1 – Testing the funnel and URL rule tracking

Please carry on through the funnel as if you were a lead and opt-in (or go straight to purchase if there is no opt-in), making sure to go through the same URL that you have used in your URL rule in the “words to match”.

If you have set this as a “previous URL” such as for Google organic search tracking, then simply find your site via Google search and click on your link as if you were a lead.

Then inside your Hyros account go to the “sales data” tab and then to “leads”, you should see the email you just used for your test opt-in/purchase here:

Then if you click on the email itself, you will open the lead profile. You should see the source labelled as a “@tag” in the journey just like the example below:

If you do not see any email inside the “sales data tab”  – then it is likely that the optin/checkout page does not have our universal script attached. Please revisit step 4 to make sure all pages, including any embedded opt-in forms, have the universal script in the header code.

If you see the email but do not see the @source tag in the journey – In this case there may be an error in the URL rule set. Perhaps there is a typo in the “words to match” used, or during your test you did not click on the same URL.
It could also be possible that the universal script is not added to the URL that you are using to fire your URL rule.
Please revisit the previous steps in the guide to ensure you have added the URL rule correctly, and also make sure you have added the universal script to the page following step 4.

If everything is working, please proceed to the final test.

Part 3 – Testing your Sales Tracking 

Staying on the same funnel, carry on like a lead would and perform a test purchase.

Allow a few moments and check the same lead journey again, you should see a new $tag, signifying a sale has been tracked and has been attributed correctly to the lead you have created.

See the below screenshot as an example:

If you do not see any sale – please go back to step 5 to confirm you have integrated with the correct checkout or payment processor software.

If you see a sale, but not attributed to the same email – If you used a brand new email for the test purchase that did not match with the previous email we tracked, then it’s possible that the checkout page is not being tracked by our universal script. Please check step 4 again to confirm all pages are being tracked by the universal script.

If the sale is correctly inside Hyros and attributed to the lead the setup is complete. Please test any other sources and funnels in the same way.

Once you’re done with the setup process, You can Learn how to use HYROS by seeing our HOW TO USE guides.