LTV Forecasting

How LTV Forecasting Grows Revenues (VIDEO DEMO) Read this guide to understand how the forecasting metrics work. What does this help me with? LTV Forecasting will allow you to drill down by source and then using all of your historical data, will give you a forecast into the potential LTV within a 1, 3 and

Date of Click Attribution

This feature is to be used when we want the whole journey of a user to be shown based on the click made on the selected date or time-frame: In our example we will be pulling data from 04/01/2023 to 04/13/2023 but the attribution will be affected by our Date of Click Attribution filter, if

Geo Sales Data Reporting

This simple report will show you your top countries, regions and cities were your customers are purchasing from. Use this to understand what locations you should be focusing your marketing budget and efforts on for maximum returns. Some Considerations for Location Reporting Please take in mind the following: Loading a Report To load a report,

First Click Mode

First click does exactly the same thing as the last click attribution model, except that it will attribute all sales to the very first source that the lead came through, regardless of the timeframe between the first click and the sale. This is different to our scientific attribution mode, because scientific mode specifically attributes a


Using trend reports allows you to see ads performance and trends over time. You can check performance from days to months using one of the following attribution models: Last click, Scientific, or Depreciation.  Trends report is also very useful if we want to see Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) performance over time. What is Customer Acquisition

Multi-touch Attribution modes

Once activated please allow a few hours for your account to re-index before using these reports. Although Last Click and Scientific mode reports are often all a business needs to scale, our multi-touch attribution modes are very helpful to understanding how each source is contributing to sales, especially for funnels where leads often go through

Long Term Value (LTV) Reporting

There are several ways in which you can calculate the long term value of your Leads depending on what you want to see and what questions you need to answer. As you may notice, some of these reports may overlap in functionality, and you may be able to use more than one report to answer

Cohort Analysis

Video Guide: How does Cohort Analysis Work? Cohort reports allow you to compare different audiences that came into your system over specific timeframes and compare different long term stats. For example, you can compare all leads that came into your system in June vs July and compare data such as revenue, sales and LTV over

Total Sales Report and Compare Mode

This report will show you the total sales of your customers that fit the criteria of the search entered DURING the selected date period. It is an extremely basic way to see what certain customers have bought in your business. Use compare mode to easily compare 2 different groups of sales side by side. At

Using HYROS Attribution Modes

HYROS has many different attribution modes to allow you to view your data from multiple angles. These models are selected when you load up reports under REPORTING-> REPORTS in the HYROS dashboard. Attribution models determine which source should receive credit for a sale and give different perspectives on how sales are created. For example, LAST
