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Organizing Mass Data

Organizing Mass Data

Depending on how many ads, product and traffic sources you have you may need to organize HYROS by using our group layer feature.

The most basic feature is to organize your Facebook assets by their campaigns by using the Category group. You can also organize your sources by their traffic source by using the TRAFFIC source group.

OR you could layer them by their traffic source and THEN category to see all ads by traffic source and THEN organize by campaign name.

OR maybe you have multiple ad accounts and only want to look at the results of specific accounts. To do this you can organize by account.

We Can Get REALLY Advanced Here

For example let’s imagine you have a book you are selling and 25% of your ads are dedicated to selling this book.

You may want to see : How many book sales were generated by ads meant to sell this book and how many were generated from non related ads.

You could answer this question by layering your ads by GOAL. You could then use the advanced feature to limit the chart to only show book sales. You could then HYPER organize this by layering in by TRAFFIC source.

These groups are all controlled from your source links tab ( By default your source links will be grouped by traffic source, ad account and category (which will be the campaign name for Facebook). However, you can also group the source links by groups or alter any of the other groups mentioned already (traffic and category).

How to Edit your Sources Automatically When Initially Creating Them:

We recommend using our extra UTM parameters to automatically allow you to add these new organic sources into specific traffic sources, categories, and goals inside of Hyros when initially setting up tracking. This allows you to better organize and segment your data later based on this information, without having to Manually adjust any sources later.

To do this, simply add one or more of the following UTM parameters at the end of ?el=yoursource, separated by an & symbol:


The easiest way to use this is to adjust the traffic source you want your organic source to be configure to, so in an example where we are tracking three separate Pinterest links, instead of just using ?el=pinterestpost1, then ?el=pinterestpost2 etc, we would instead use the following UTM parameters for each link:

As you can see, although in this case we are creating 3 different sources by changing the name slightly after el=, we are including them within the same traffic source, which will allow us to group them together by traffic source in the reports later in a more automated way.

We can do exactly the same thing using the other 2 UTMs for categories and goals should you wish. If we want these sources to have specific goals for example, we can add the goal as an extra UTM parameter as shown here:

This will create 3 sources, all of which belong to the traffic source “pinterest”, but now we have both “@pinterestpost1” and “@pinterestpost2” with the goal of “callbooked” and “@pinterestpost3” with a unique goal of “purchase”, which you can use to further group your data to answer different questions more easily.

Some of examples of exactly how to use this data is contained later in this guide.

How To Edit Existing Sources and Products Inside Hyros to Filter and Segment your Reports:

Now Here Are Some Ways of Using these Filters to Group Mass Data in Your Reports:

Relevant Links

You can use the filtering you have learned in this guide to create quick reports, which will allow you to see your organized data in an easy to view way inside your dashboard and in the chrome extension: