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Why Does My Facebook/Google Token Expire?

Why Does My Facebook/Google Token Expire?

If you are reading this, you have likely seen a message upon logging into Hyros telling you that your token has expired.

Before explaining what this means, please follow the prompts as quickly as possible in order to re-validate your token. This will essentially re-integrate it with Hyros, which only takes a few seconds to complete.


Once you have revalidated the token, the integration should be working again as normal. Providing the rest of the setup was completed your ads will be tracking again.

Ads will not be tracked for the period in which the token was invalid.

What is the Cause?

First and most importantly, Hyros does not cause the token to expire. This is done entirely on your Ads Manager’s end as a security measure. We can not tell you why this is happening in your specific case. However here are some examples of ways in which your Ads Manager may invalidate a token:

  1. If you share your account with lots of different users with different IPs etc.
  2. Resetting user/admin passwords.
  3. Changing permissions of users, especially the personal account that was used to integrate into Hyros.

Any of the above reasons and anything else that may cause your Ads Manager to consider that the account has been vulnerated will lead them to invalidate all tokens with the account for security reasons and cause our integration to be invalidated.

Therefore the integration will not be functional until you follow the quick steps to revalidate the token by going to your integrations HERE.

Unfortunately, there is no way of re-validating the token/integration unless you manually do this by following the prompts inside Hyros. This is a step required by your Ads Manager and is completely out of our control.

Luckily for most users, this should occur very rarely providing you are not regularly behaving in a way that may be considered a security risk by your Ads Manager.

However, if you are an agency and have the same personal Ads account you use for all of your client’s accounts, we would suggest trying to use a unique Ad account belonging to each client to integrate with Hyros in order to minimize the risk of widespread token invalidation, although this is only from experience and is not guaranteed to work for your specific case.

For more information on token invalidations, please reach out to your Ads Manager support.

How to Refresh Token

Facebook Token

Google Token