Account Settings

Account Settings

This guide will give you a brief explanation of each tab inside your account settings, which you can access HERE.


  • Edit your timezone. This should match with your integrations and ad managers to ensure there are no discrepancies in your data.
  • Copy/generate an API key.
  • Save your first promoter code (if you are an agency).
  • Disable help notes.
  • Change personal information, such as your name and address.
  • Change the date format inside your account to either YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD-YYYY.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: All personal information required must be added and then two-factor authentication can be enabled.


This is not a True Tracking Feature. Please disregard this if you have a Tracking account.


  • View/add cards
  • Change your billing plan
  • Check your monthly tracked revenue allowance
  • Review your subscription payments.
  • Download Invoice:


This is not a True Tracking Feature. Please disregard this if you have a Tracking account.

Sub Users

Use this to create a user with access to your account ONLY. This is helpful if you would like to provide team members with access, or limited access to your account. For more information click HERE.

Connected Accounts

Users with access to my account – Manage which other accounts have access to your account. Click HERE for more information.

Accounts I have access to – Create a brand new account that you have access to. This is especially useful if you are an agency, please see HERE for more information.


You can find all the information related to integrating with other software here. Please also take in mind that you can select “Connected Integrations” to easily view which integrations you have already made with HYROS.

True Tracking

WARNING: If you have any doubts as to these settings and how best to configure them, please reach out to your onboarding team. It is VERY important not to change anything here if you are not sure.

Inbound Currency (currency conversion) – This refers to the currency that your integrations are using. For example, if sales are shown in USD inside your payment processor account, select USD. If you are using multiple currencies, you can select the inbound currency for each specific integration inside the Integrations tab.

Outbound currency (currency conversion) – This is the currency that Hyros will show inside your account, and what you will see inside your reports. This NEEDS to match with the currency shown inside your ad accounts, otherwise, the data won’t make sense when comparing with Facebook or Google.

Are you GDR Compliant? / Track EU Customers? – If you are GDPR compliant, make sure these are both switched on. Otherwise, Hyros won’t be able to track any leads based in the EU. It is your responsibility to make sure you are GDPR compliant. If you are not these should be turned off.

Origin Lead AssignationAll options will be turned on by default. It allows users who input different emails to be tracked as the same person, despite using different emails over a long period of time. However, if sales reps are inputting payment information on customer checkouts for example, there is a risk that they can be linked to the payment by error and therefore link together emails that are not related to each other, breaking tracking.

We have 3 adjustable parts of our origin lead assignation:

  1. Phone number
  2. Session ID
  3. IP address

If any leads have been attached incorrectly, hyros will tell you exactly what has connected those emails inside the “emails” tab for a specific lead. If you notice all emails are connected via one of the above methods, that method may need to be disabled.

Automatic calls – When our universal script reads a phone number + email inside the URL of the page, it will automatically track a call, sending a “$call” tag to the lead. This makes call tracking much easier, but if call tracking is set up any other way, for example via a URL rule, we may receive duplicate call tags.

Automatic recurring sales – If on, anytime the same sale is made 30 days or 1 year after the initial sale, the product will automatically be changed to a recurring product, and the sale will be registered as a recurring sale. To read more about recurring sales click HERE.

Process Recurring Sales – By default, this is marked on. If toggled off, any sale marked as a recurring sale will not be processed by Hyros. This can be useful if you want to reduce your tracked revenue for billing purposes and just focus on your initial revenue.

Attribution Timeframe – This is by default set to 7 days. This sets a time limit on attributing clicks and assigning origin leads using IPs and Session IDs. Using this tracking information allows us to easily track users across different emails, however, occasionally it can present problems over long periods of time when for example, an IP address is re-used by a different user.

Multiple Calls Application Timeframe – Automatic call tracking makes the setup easy, however sometimes this can cause false duplicate calls to be generated, especially if a user reloads the page. You can use this field to change the timeframe in which any duplicate call tags are blocked. By default, this is set to 20 minutes.

Disregard Source Timeframe – By default, this is set to 72 hours. This field allows you to change the time in which a source is disregarded. To learn more about disregard rules please see THIS GUIDE.

Sales Grouping Timeframe – By default, this is set to 10 minutes. We group sales by order if they come from the same person within a certain timeframe, among other criteria.

Email Blacklist – Any email entered here will be ignored by our tracking scripts. Any sales associated with the blacklisted emails will also be ignored.

Blacklisted IPs – Any IP’s entered here will NOT be tracked by our Universal script on any of your pages. Any sales or other tracking events with a blacklisted IP coming from integrations or the API will still be sent in, however, the IP will not be used to attribute clicks or link leads/emails together.

Leads API

To be used in conjunction with our API documentation, which can be found HERE.