Setting Up and Using The HYROS Chrome Extension

For Bing

Written Guide

Step 1: Install the Extension from the Google APP store HERE.

Step 2: Then log into your Hyros account and copy the API key settings > profile. Click the HYROS Chrome Extension icon and paste the API key. Click Sync Account…

Step 3: Go to the Ad Groups tab inside your Bing account and activate the extension by pressing the Enable Hyros Stats button.

Note 1: Please make sure that the Ad Spend column is visible when using the Hyros Chrome extension in order to have costs displayed in real time.

Note 2:If you don’t see the extension displayed inside your dashboard, make sure you extend the Campaign column inside your Bing account!

Note 3: To improve loading speed, make sure you enable the Spend column.

For Facebook

Video Guide

Written Guide

Step 1: Install the Extension from the Google APP store HERE.

Step 2: Click the icon in the top right of Chrome and ad your API key which is found HERE. If you do not have an API key click “REGENERATE API KEY”.

Step 3: Go to your Facebook ad manager account. Go to the ad sets tab. Click the HYROS Chrome Extension icon and select “Last Click”, “Scientific” or “Both”.

Step 4: If you have duplicate ad set names, please tick the box inside the extension:

We normally match hyros ad sets by name, so if you do not tick that box and DO have duplicate ad set names, the optimization process can lead to wrong data inside hyros.

This will complete set up.


Note 1: To improve the loading time of your reports, please refer to the Improve loading time section of this document.

Note 2: Please make sure that the Ad Spend column is visible when using the Hyros Chrome extension in order to have costs displayed in real time.

For Google

Video Guide:




Written Guide

Step 1: Install the Extension from the Google APP store HERE

Step 2: Go to Google ad manager and activate the campaign id column inside campaigns.

Step 3: Copy the API in settings > profile, then paste it into the google chrome extension which can be accessed at the top right of chrome. If you do not have an API key click “REGENERATE API KEY”.


Step 4: Follow the prompts, select your attribution mode and then click “ENABLE HYROS DATA”.

Note: Please make sure that the Ad Spend column is visible when using the Hyros Chrome extension in order to have costs displayed in real time.

For Linked-In

Written Guide

Step 1: Install the Extension from the Google APP store HERE.

Step 2: Then log into your Hyros account and copy the API key settings > profile. Click the HYROS Chrome Extension icon and paste the API key. Click Sync Account.

Step 3: Go to the Ad Sets tab inside your Linked-In account and activate the extension by pressing the Enable Hyros Stats button.

Note 1: If you don’t see the extension displayed as in the image above, make sure you extend the Campaign Name column inside your Linked-In account!

Note 2: Please make sure that the Ad Spend column is visible when using the Hyros Chrome extension in order to have costs displayed in real time.

For Pinterest

Written Guide

Step 1: Install the Extension from the Google APP store HERE.

Step 2: Then log into your Hyros account and copy the API key settings > profile. Click the HYROS Chrome Extension icon and paste the API key. Click Sync Account.

Step 3: Go to the Ad Groups or Ads tab inside your Pinterest account and activate the extension by pressing the Enable Hyros Stats button.

Note 1: If you don’t see the extension displayed inside your dashboard, make sure you extend the Ad group or Ad name column inside your Pinterest account!

Note 2: Please make sure that the Ad Spend column is visible when using the Hyros Chrome extension in order to have costs displayed in real time.

For Tik-Tok

Written Guide

Step 1: Install the Extension from the Google APP store HERE.

Step 2: Then log into your Hyros account and copy the API key settings > profile. Click the HYROS Chrome Extension icon and paste the API key. Click Sync Account.

Step 3: Go to Campaign inside your Tik-Tok ad manager account and go to the ad group tab or ad tab. Activate the extension by pressing the Enable Hyros Stats button.

Note 1: If you don’t see the extension displayed as in the image above, make sure you extend the Name column inside your Tik-Tok account!

Note 2: Please make sure that the Ad Spend column is visible when using the Hyros Chrome extension in order to have costs displayed in real time.

For Twitter

Written Guide

Step 1: Install the Extension from the Google APP store HERE.

Step 2: Then log into your Hyros account and copy the API key settings > profile. Click the HYROS Chrome Extension icon and paste the API key. Click Sync Account.

Step 3: Go to the Ad Groups tab inside your Twitter account and activate the extension by pressing the Enable Hyros Stats button.

Note 1: If you don’t see the extension displayed as in the image above, make sure you extend the Ad Group Name column inside your Twitter account!

Note 2: Also, make sure the Ad Group ID column is visible on the screen!

Note 3: Please make sure that the Ad Spend column is visible when using the Hyros Chrome extension in order to have costs displayed in real time.

For Snapchat

Written Guide

Step 1: Install the Extension from the Google APP store HERE.

Step 2: Then log into your Hyros account and copy the API key settings > profile. Click the HYROS Chrome Extension icon and paste the API key. Click Sync Account.

Step 3: Go to the Ad Sets tab inside your Snapchat account and activate the extension by pressing the Enable Hyros Stats button.

Note 1: If you don’t see the extension displayed as in the image above, make sure you extend the Name column inside your Snapchat account!

Note 2: Please make sure that the Ad Spend column is visible when using the Hyros Chrome extension in order to have costs displayed in real time.

Using/troubleshooting the Chrome Extension

Please see the following dropdowns depending on your specific issue or question:

Choose account

Choose the account data you want to be displayed in the Hyros extension collumn:

Editing Columns

To edit the Hyros column shown inside the extension please click on the “Configure Columns” button, then toggle ON the columns you want to see and click on “Save and Back” to complete the process:

Viewing Data in Last Click vs Scientific Mode

You can view Hyros data in different attribution modes, to enable  please select the attribution mode you want to use from the Hyros Chrome Extension’s configuration screen, in the case of Last Click Vs. Scientific the results will be shown as displayed below:

For more information on our attribution modes, feel free to visit THIS GUIDE.

Deep Mode – Sales/ Leads/ Products

The Deep Mode feature allows us to see the breakdown of sales, leads and products as well as User Geolocations, Customer Journeys and Cohort analysis directly from the extension without having to access the Hyros app.

Simply click on the icon shown below and select the desired report you are looking for to display:

Please check the detailed description for the above options:

  • Product breakdown – selecting this will allow you to see all your sales filtered via products and product categories over a certain period of time. For more details on how to best organise your products via categories please check this document.
  • Sale details – selecting this filter will allow you to see all the sales and their deep data points such as Shipping costs, Taxes and Income over a certain period of time
  • Lead details – selecting this filter will allow you to see all the leads and their deep data points such as Join date, Income generated and sources over a certain period of time.
  • Users Geolocation – selecting this will open a GeoSales report for the selected source and timeframe so you can easely see the areas your customers originate from. For more details on this type of report please check this document.
  • Show Customer Journeys – selecting this will create a Lead Journey report for the selected source and timeframe so you can see the most used paths for your leads in refference to the selected source. For more details on this type of report please check this document.
  • Inspect Cohorts – selecting this will create a Cohort Analysis Report report for the selected source and timeframe. This type of report allows you to compare different audiences that came into your system over specific timeframes and compare different long term stats. For more details on this type of report please check this document.

Filter by specific tags

Within the Hyros Chrome extension you also have the option to filter by specific tags. Using this will allow you to see specific Hyros data for your campaigns/ads and compare them with the Ad platform data.

Below you have the most common filter options that can be used:


1.Filter products – using this you will be able to filter specific products and calls via their respective $sale tag:

2. Fiter leads with tags – using this you will be able to filter specific by any of the tags listed in your Hyros account ( @sourcetags, !actiontags, $saletags):


3. Filter by Integration Accounts – using this you will be able to filter via a specific Integratation from your Hyros account. You can use this to filter for example only sales related to your ads received from your store or payment processor integrations:


Main configuration

Ignoring Organic Sources

Organic Sources (such as email campaigns, links in blogs/articles, etc.) will take credit for the last clicks on many sales which will make your ads look like they are underperforming since organic/email sources will take the credit.

Mixing these traffic sources together can be messy, which is why organic sources are ignored in the reports by default but you can toggle this option ON/OFF as required from the option highlighte below.


Day of Attribution

By default our Hyros Chrome Extension shows Sales attributed to the date of sale, in other words, if a sale was made on October the 20th you will see the sale in your reports with the date of purchase but we can  Toggle “Day of Attribution” ON to attribute the sale to the date of the click instead.

For example, if a person clicked @facebookad1 on the 15th of October and bought on the 20th the sale would appear credited to @facebookad1 on the 15th. It would not appear on the 20th.


Optimize Report

By enabling this option, any sources without clicks and revenue during the time range will be marked as inactive and their information will not be retrieved from Hyros.


Exclude Hard Costs

This will only work if we receive hard costs from the integration you are using to track sales with Hyros.

By default, Hyros does not take into account Hard costs in the Revenue, turn this toggle on to take into account Hard costs.


Ignore Recurring Sales

By default, recurring payments will be taken into account when generating reports within the extension. To exclude them from reports, turn on the Ignore Recurring Sales toggle.


Improve loading time – High Performance mode

Important! Please note that at the moment this new feature is only available for Facebook and only for First click mode!

The High Performance mode function will improve performance in loading reports much faster. Please make sure you follow these steps.

First, go to the Chrome extension, select First click mode and enable High Performance mode:

After following the steps above, go to the Adset level in your Facebook Ad account.  Go to Columns and click on Costumize Columns:

Here you need to search for Ad set ID and activate it.

Before saving your changes, on the right-hand side, make sure you drag the Adset column as far up as possible, otherwise the loading time will not improve.

Once you’ve done this, you can hit the Apply button. That’s all.


What Does the “Totals” Row Represent?

Take in mind that the totals do NOT take into account filters. The totals represent the following, depending on what level you are looking at your data:

Ad level: Total equals all selected ad sets/ad groups

Ad set/group level: Total equals all selected campaigns

Campaign level: Total equals all campaigns

To be even more specific, the filters at the top of the ad manager do not have any effect on the totals column due to UI restrictions. Please ensure that you select campaigns/ad sets/ad groups this way instead:

Quick report Stats

If you have a quick reports view and would like to get a easy-to-read summary of your data from a view inside your ads manager, all you need to do is click here inside your quick reports dashboard:

This will allow you to see your most important metrics inside your ads manager without needing to enter your Hyros account. You should see these metrics displayed at the top of your screen here:

For more details on quick reports please see HERE.

View Data on Hyros

If you want to see the same report in Hyros as the report you have with the Chrome extension in your Ad account, just use the View in Hyros button at the end of the columns.

Once you click View Hyros, it will open your Hyros account and open a report in Hyros with the same filters and time range that you have in your Ad account.

Using the Extension with Multiple Hyros Accounts

Normally you would need to input the unique API key for each account, however to save any effort, you can instead connect both accounts in hyros and then use the parent API key. This will allow you to use a single API key and view the data for both accounts using the chrome extension.

Learn more about connecting 2 existing accounts HERE.

Troubleshooting Extension Issues

Step 1 – Initial Troubleshooting Steps

Video Guide:




Written guide: If you expand the column to its maximum width and you still see a warning to expand the column, please try removing some of the hyros columns to allow the data to fit inside the ad manager.

If that doesn’t work, or you’re not seeing data in general inside the columns, try this:

  • Clearing your cookies and checking again.
  • Check you are using the same API key as the one inside your account.
  • Ensure you have the ad/ad set/campaign ID column loaded inside the ad manager.
  • Ensure you have enabled Hyros stats in the extension.
  • Ensure that the version of the extension is up to date in chrome, try re-installing the extension if there is no option to update.
  • If you see columns but some or all of the data is missing: Check that you have set up tracking correctly for Facebook and Google ads, then compare the data from the chrome extension to what hyros is reporting inside hyros.

Step 2 – Send our Team the Required Information to Investigate

If you were not able to identify/solve the issue, please reach out to the support team.

We will then be able to activate a debugging mode for your account. Once we have done so, please follow this video so we have the necessary information to find the issue:

BEFORE WATCHING THE VIDEO: please include full screen screenshots or screenshares. This allows the team to view report ID’s to recreate the exact issue as well, as you can see here (you can also copy the report ID and send it to support directly):


Written guide: please send a screen recording / some screenshots showing us how you have set up the extension, especially showing us the following:

  • Exactly what you are seeing in your ad manager, and what data is missing inside the report. Please make sure to include the report configuration (data range + attribution modes etc).
  • The API key used in the extension.
  • The version of the hyros extension in your chrome browser.
  • A full view of the console tab when loading the extension, as per the video above.

Because the Hyros Chrome Extension is operating on the HTML structure of the ad platform, there will be times when the extension may stop working due to any updates that the ad platform makes to their interface UI. This is a normal part of the maintenance process for any extension that relies on 3rd party pages. Sending us a view of what you see in your ad manager may help us determine if this is the case.

Having technical difficulties with the extension? – File a report

Are you experiencing one of the following situations where the table is not visible in your ad account, or the table is not displaying correctly, or the stats are not accurate, or any other problem other than those already mentioned?

If you are experiencing any of the above, you can now submit the error you are experiencing directly from the Chrome extension.

Before filling out a report, we recommend that you first check “Troubleshooting extension issues – Step 1”.

Important: Before you proceed with completing the report, be sure to perform a final review of your case using the “Clear cookies and cache” button. Often, if updates/changes have been made to the tracking configuration, the results will not be displayed unless we clear cookies and cache.

If you have already gone through these guidelines and are still experiencing technical difficulties, please follow these steps:

Inside your Ad account, click on the Extension icon and then click the file report button.

Then make sure you select the type of problem and a brief description.

Optionally, you can upload a screenshot or video of the problem you are experiencing which can significantly speed up the investigation process.

Once done you can submit the error and the engineering team will instantly receive the notification and mark it as a high priority.