Hyros Webhooks

Important! Please keep in mind that creating the webhooks requires development skills. The analyst team is unable to assist you in creating webhooks as they do not have development skills.

With Hyros Webhooks we are able to send all tracked data to any system that has the necessary permissions to process this type of data. To send data, consult these instructions to create a Webhook Hyros Webhooks.

Example of Webhook type sale.attributed

“subscriptionId”: “sub-cee5ee3f380c4d8fb1286bac9e91fc1c”,
“eventId”: “evt-d7ef9cb559654632af736c9992cdc17a”,
“type”: “sale.attributed”,
“timestamp”: “2022-09-28T15:38:48-03:00”,
“body”: {
“id”: “sle-6b86b273ff34fce19d6b804eff5a3f5747ada4eaa22f1d49c01e52ddb7875b4b”,
“type”: “SALE”,
“date”: “2022-09-28T15:38:24-03:00”,
“UTCDate”: “2022-09-28T15:38:24-03:00”,
“qualified”: true,
“score”: 1,
“attribution”: [
“sourceLinkId”: “b1f47517c3cae033d98c7cdc34709f743dbdf622bab9137ae3d12f723ae9faba”,
“name”: “Sl1”,
“tag”: “@sl1”,
“disregarded”: false,
“organic”: false,
“trafficSource”: {
“id”: “cat-5b8d6c9793ffa110725a9c9093514668”,
“name”: “automatic”
“goal”: {
“id”: “cat-290631a916115729cd9fe08cee0efc84”,
“name”: “all”
“category”: {
“id”: “cat-b6faae8ed01c3ca86e0d31b4b1292e40”,
“name”: “automatic”
“lead”: {
“email”: “lead2@gmail.com”,
“joinDate”: “2022-09-28T14:55:25-03:00”,
“UTCJoinDate”: “2022-09-28T14:55:25-03:00”,
“ips”: [
“tags”: [
“orderId”: “a659f6a6ad024164851b0bfbf363c436”,
“recurring”: false,
“product”: {
“id”: “pdt-2499a46c7806509b9c843ad8248bdfd2”,
“quantity”: 1,
“name”: “product1”,
“tag”: “$product1”,
“category”: {
“id”: “cat-ac78d25c92950a16199b5fc86ad86737”,
“name”: “No Category”
“price”: {
“price”: 150,
“discount”: 0,
“hardCost”: 0,
“refunded”: 0,
“currency”: “USD”
“USDPrice”: {
“price”: 150,
“discount”: 0,
“hardCost”: 0,
“refunded”: 0,
“currency”: “USD”

How to send the events?

Once you’ve created the webhook, you need to log in to your Hyros account, go to Integrations and select Hyros Webooks. Then click on ” Create Webhooks Subscription”.

Follow the instructions below to complete the setup:

Once you have finished following the guidelines above, you can click update webhooks subscriptions.


Can I stop a webhook once it’s created?

Yes you can, if you want to stop sending events for a while or want to enable them again, you can do so by following these steps:



What sources are sent with the sale.attributed event?

We will include ALL sources clicked prior to the purchase being made in the attribution array, that way you can potentially apply custom attribution modes if you wish.

There are also 2 more fields called firstSource and lastSource which you can use if you are only interested in the first and last source click.

What events can be sent?

  • Sale attributed
  • Call attributed
  • Lead opted in
  • Lead origin assigned

Please review the webhook documentation HERE for more information on the available events.

Does the sale.attributed event take into account organic sources?

Yes, it should take into account any source. As long as a sale is attributed to a source, an event will be sent.