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Recurly Integration

Recurly Integration

To connect Recurly to Hyros follow the steps below.

Step 1 – Create the integration inside Hyros

1. Go into settings -> integrations -> select the Recurly Integration.

2. Click “Create New Integration”.

3. Create a name for the integration, such as “Recurly”.

4. Get your Private API key from Recurly and the Store domain, then paste it in the field inside your integration, to do this just follow these steps:

  • 4.1 The Store domain – the store domain is obtained from the store URL when you log in inside your Recurly account. Example: “domainname” will be the store domain that needs to be added for creating the integration.
  • 4.2 Private API key: you need to go to Integrations, API credentials, and copy the Private API key.

Step 2 – Add the Webhook

1. Go to your Recurly integration inside HYROS and click “configure”.

2. Click “Get Webhook” and copy the webhook.

3. Past the webhook inside your Recurly account by following these steps:

  • Go to Integrations
  • Select Webhooks
  • Click on the Configure/create webhook button
  • Click the New endpoint button.

In the current form you need to add the following:

  • Endpoint name: you can enter any name, for example, Hyros.
  • Endpoint URL: here you need to paste the webhook that you just copied earlier from the Recurly integration.

That concludes the Recurly integration.

Manually adding a lead

In your Reccurly account, go to Customers -> Accounts and click o the “New account” button:

The only required field for Recurly is the Account code. This can be a name, a number, a symbol, etc. Also, the fields that Hyros will take into account are the following: email, first name, last name and phone number. For a lead to be created in Hyros, we must have at least the lead’s name and email address.

Once you have finished filling out the form, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Create Account.

Manually adding a sale

Go to Configurations, Plans and select “New plan”.

The mandatory fields for Recurly are the Plan Code, Plan Name, and Pricing model. Optionally, you can configure “Free trial details” and “Setup fee”.

In addition, you can configure:

  • Subscription: daily, monthly or yearly subscriptions.
  • Items: you can create a new one or choose an existing one. Within this process, you can also select the quantity of items.

Once you have finished filling out the form above with the required information, save the sale by selecting “Create Plan”.