Option A – Sending Hyros Events to your Existing Google Pixel/ Existing Conversion Action

Table of Contents

What is an “Existing Google Conversion Action”?

This refers to the events that Google are tracking already, most likely by the Google snippet/pixel added to your site. These are not the same as the events tracked inside of Hyros.

Sending Hyros events to an existing event, will in the case of the example above, send all events to “Google Conversion” Instead of sending Hyros events to a seperate conversion action.

If you have not been tracking events with Google prior to this, you can ignore this section and just follow the main Google guide above.

Requirements for Setup

It is only possible for Hyros to send events to conversion actions with an “import” source. If your existing conversion action is not imported, then you must follow the standard setup events instead.
You can check if your conversion action is an imported conversion source by checking the “conversion source” column as seen below.

In this example, only the second conversion action that has a conversion source of “website (import from clicks)” will be able to receive events from Hyros. If your existing event has a conversion source that is not an import source then please follow the standard setup above.

Setup Guide

Copy this snippet: Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 15)

Then paste it with a space in front of 'transaction_id':, and a comma at the end. It should look something like this:

Please read the written guide very carefully before setting this up. We also highly suggest reaching out to the support team to assist with the setup and ensure this is the right setup for you before moving forward.
You are responsible for any sudden changes made that may damage your optimization in Google.

How to Check if your Event is a Primary or Secondary Action

It is highly likely you already using these existing events as your conversion goal for optimization purposes for your existing campaigns.

If you are, then sending Hyros events to an existing Google event may be advantageous (we will explain why shortly).

This is especially true if you are using account default goals.

To understand if you are using account default goals: Start by checking if the Google event is set to “Primary” under the action optimization Column, and the “Purchases” conversion goal has the text “Account Default Goal” as shown in the screenshot below.

You should also see the number of campaigns just next to that using the account default goals you have set:

If you want to see if any specific campaigns are using account default goals, you can click edit on any campaign in your ad manager and select “update conversion goals”:

If the Google events are included in these account level goals that you are using, or you are using campaign specific goal settings with Google events, sending our data directly to these Google events will allow you to immediately use Hyros events in optimization without making any other changes.

Should everything work correctly, Hyros events will essentially “fill in the gaps” of the events Google miss, and any events that Google have already tracked correctly will simply be removed by Google to avoid duplication.

For example, let’s say you have an existing conversion action tracked by Google named “Google Conversion”, which is being used as a primary action, and is being used as an account default goal for all your campaigns, Meaning it is already being used in optimization.

If Google track 5 sales for this event, But Hyros track 7, when we send the events to the existing “Google Conversion” event, Google will simply discard the 5 events they already tracked, but keep the 2 events and add them to “Google Conversion”, allowing you to optimize around more accurate data.

If you sent these 7 Hyros events to a separate “Hyros Conversion” event, then you would not be able to simply use the “Hyros Conversion” event as an account default goal. This is because if you are already using Google events as an account default goal, doing this with Hyros events at the same time would mean optimizing around duplicated events, which could damage your optimization. Google will not deduplicate events if they are in different conversion actions.

This is why by default all seperate Hyros events should be sent in as a “secondary” action and therefore not used in optimization:

The only way to optimize around separate Hyros events without duplication, is to optimize your campaigns using campaign specific goals, using Hyros events only. See the main Google guide above for more information on that.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, and may even work better for certain businesses. However it can take longer to test and prove better performance before seeing results. This because you then have to switch optimization to a brand new event with no previous data, so you are starting from scratch.

If you send Hyros events to an existing event instead, this means you are optimizing around Hyros events straight away, by using Hyros events to fill in the gaps of the data Google failed to track. That way you maintain using all of the historical data you have gathered and do not have to start from scratch.

Disadvantages and Risks of Sending Hyros Data to an Existing Event

There may be a few reasons why this may not be the best option for you and your businesses, depending on a few different factors:

  1. Higher risk of duplication and damage to optimization – Because you are sending data to an existing event, something may go wrong for a number of different reasons.For example, if there could be an error in the setup. Even if there is no setup error there could be a technical issue inside Hyros or even inside Google that prevents Google from deduplicating events correctly, which can lead to damage to your optimization and therefore performance.Because all events are being sent to the same conversion action in Google, if there are any errors you will not be able to easily correct them.Please note by sending events this way, you assume all responsibility for the risks involved. If you are not comfortable with these risks we highly suggest using the standard setup to send events to a unique conversion action instead.
  2. Sudden change to account wide optimization in Google – Because the Google conversion action is most likely being used for the majority of your optimization already, suddenly sending the events from Hyros to the same conversion action will likely mean a very sudden change to the numbers that Google are using for optimization across your account.Although the majority of the time, this will be a good thing because Hyros events are just filling in the gaps of missing tracking, this sudden change carries a risk of negatively effecting performance for a temporary period of time during a “buffer” period inside Google.If you are not comfortable with this risk, please just follow the main guide and send events to a unique conversion action. That way you will have more flexibility to test events and change optimization slowly inside Google, one campaign at a time, to avoid sudden changes.
  3. Does not necessarily perform better in the long term – Although sending Hyros events to an existing conversion action allows you to improve performance more quickly whilst also utilizing the historical data you have gathered from Google’s tracking, it does not necessarily guarantee that optimization will be performing best this way vs sending Hyros events to a unique conversion action and optimizing for Hyros events on their own, at least in the long term.Each business is unique, and although sending Hyros events this way may give you a boost in performance, optimizing around separate Hyros events may work even better for your business over time.
  4. Setup can be more complicated, especially without any coding experience – This requires some editing of the Google pixel code, which may not even be possible for certain businesses. Even if it is possible it can be quite complex without coding experience, and mistakes can have a negative impact on your ad performance.

Add a randomized transaction ID to the Google Snippet – Written Guide

Please follow all of the steps in the main video guide, this is just a more detailed written guide regarding editing the Google Code to add the transaction ID in case you need further assistance setting this up.

This is what allows Hyros to collect the event information to help Google deduplicate the same events they have already tracked.

To do this, you must have access to the pixel/snippet/Gtag code which is used by Google to track the conversion events, and be able to make manual edits to this code. In some cases, you may not be able to do this, such as if you are directly integrating Google Analytics with your landing page software.

If that is the case you can NOT send events this way because you will be duplicating events, so please ignore this section and follow the standard Google guide.

Most commonly, it will be easiest to make edits to Google’s purchase event if you are adding Google’s code manually. Please see their documentation HERE for more information on adding purchase event tracking for Google as an example.

When you have found the event code, copy this snippet: Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 15)

Then paste it in front of 'transaction_id':, it should look something like this:

Then add this code to the html of the page you are tracking the conversion on. This will most likely be on the thank you page or any page after the lead checks out.

Please also make sure that the same page is being tracked by our universal script, otherwise this will not work.

And this concludes the setup. If you have any questions please reach out to the support team.

Optional Step 1 – Send existing leads conversions

With the default configuration for sending data as offline conversions, the existing leads will not be sent back to your ad platform, only new leads will be send back to the pixel.

As an example, if the toggle is turned OFF, it means that the events that will be sent back will only be leads that opted in once. If the same lead opts in again from another source, then it will not be sent back as an offline conversion. At this stage, this lead is considered an existing lead.

If the toggle is ON, using the example above, whenever the same lead interacts with a new source and opts in again, then the event will be sent back to your pixel.

Optional Step 2 – Send lead stages as custom events

You can also send your tracked lead stages as a custom coversion action back to Google for optimization. To do this simply enable the feature from the Conversion Settings tab within the Google integration:

The events will be sent as a custom conversion action and named based on the lead stage name.