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Testing Your E-Commerce Tracking

Testing Your E-Commerce Tracking

Follow this test to ensure tracking is working correctly for your E-Commerce funnel.

VIDEO TESTING GUIDE (Use this with the time stamps in the written guide)

Written Guide


Step 1 (02:15)- Ensure you are integrated with the correct Facebook OR Adwords account HERE.

Step 2 (00:12)- Ensure that you have placed URL parameters on all your Facebook and Google ads.

ENSURE if you are using PRODUCT GROUPS in Google ads that your PRODUCT GROUPS have URL parameters as well.

Step 3 (03:22)- Generate a preview or test link and click it.

WARNING : If you launch any new ads make sure the parameters are always updated.


Check the URL you have been sent to. You should be able to clearly see FBC_ID=12345678 OR GC_ID=12345678 in the URL you have been sent to. (12345678 represents the adset or campaign ID in this example).

WARNING : ENSURE you do not confuse FBC_ID (our HYROS parameter) with “FBCLID” (Facebooks automatic parameter).

IF the URL parameter is clear and neatly in the URL move to PART 2 : COMPLETE A TEST CHECKOUT.

IF the FBC_ID OR GC_ID are not cleanly in the URL ensure that you placed your URL parameter in make sure you did STEP 1 : Setting Up Your Ads inside the set up guide correctly.

For example : FBC_ID%%=%1232425% is a broken URL parameter.

Once you detect the error repeat the test in PART 1.

IF the FBC_ID OR GC_ID is not in the URL at all:

  • Confirm that your ad has the url parameter on it.
  • Confirm that you are not linking into a redirect. Redirects drop parameters on the final URL resulting in no tracking.

Once you detect the error fix it by placing your parameter or removing redirects. Then repeat the test in PART 1.


Step 1 – From the same browser you click your ad with complete a checkout.


Step 2 – Wait 2 minutes and then check your HYROS dashboard reporting area.

Step 3 – You should see the sale appear in the system under CUSTOMERS. Click the email of the the sale, then confirm that the sale has:

  • AN @tag representing the adset that was click.
  • A $tag representing the purchase.
  • Then click on “CLICKS” and confirm you can see the full url visit history of the lead.

IF the sale has all the data above congratulation! You are fully set up. Please ping your onboarding manager and they will begin optimizing your data.

IF the sale does not have an IP address or click history or any other data in the check above the tracking script have likely not been placed correctly.

Check your Universal script placement in STEP 2 : Connecting Your Store.

If you find an error repeat the test in PART 2.

If you cannot notify your onboarding manager.

IF the sale does not have the @tag representing the ad the sale came from ensure you have integrated the correct Facebook account.

Then ensure you completed STEP 1 : Tracking Your Ads inside the guide correctly. If an error is found repeat the test in PART 2.

If no error can be found, notify your onboarding manager.

IF the sale does not come in at all confirm you have fully integrated with your store in STEP 2 : Connecting Your Store inside the guide.

If you find an error repeat the test in PART 2.

If no error can be found notify your onboarding manager.