Tracking Typeform Data

If you wish to track the email that is entered into the Typeform, simply follow these steps:

Step 1

1. Select the Typeform you would like to track.

2. `Go to Create (step 1) and then go to Endings (step2)

3. Next go to the Button link section and type in “?email=” to the end of the redirect URL (step 1). The final URL link will be like this

If there are other parameters before it then it should begin with an & symbol instead, as we have in the example below

Once you have typed in the email in the URL link, click the “+” sign (step 2) to add the email parameter.

Once you have selected it, you should have the results as shown below:

5. Click “Publish”.

Step 2

Ensure that the redirect page is tracked correctly, with the following universal tracking script attached:

Step 3

Run a test by filling out the typeform as a customer would. You should see the email contained clearly in the URL once you have finished. It should look something like this:

IF you don’t see the email clearly in the URL, please make sure that the redirect URL inside Typeform matches EXACTLY with the actual URL that the user lands on.

If this still doesn’t work, please reach out to the onboarding team or in-app support.