Table Of Contents Call Setup Call Setup

Please ensure that you have placed the universal code on your call booking and call thank you pages.

Here is the parameter to ad to your redirect url : ?name={FNAME}&email={EMAIL}&phone={Q3}

BE SURE to change {Q3} to match the title on the form section you use to collect the booking phone number.

Written Guide
If you are using YouCanBook.Me as your call scheduling software follow these simple steps

1- Log into and click Edit Settings on the booking form you would like to track.

2- Go to “After Booking” and ad this parameter to your redirect thank you page URL.


3- Change the Q3 in the parameter to match the title of the section of your form where you collect the booking email.

4- Ensure you are redirecting to a thank you page with the UNIVERSAL code in the header.

This will complete call tracking set up.


  1. Opt into your call funnel
  2. Wait 1-2 minutes after opting in ensure that your email has entered Hyros in your LEADS section
  3. Next book a call on your call booking page and make sure you complete the book as are redirected.
  4. Wait 1-2 minutes, then check your CALLS section to ensure that your call has been tracked.
  5. Click your email and ensure the $call tag has been applied. Also ensure the lead has a phone number and IP.

If you see your email enter the system and have a $call tag attached to it then you have completed set up and are ready to move to the next step.

If you do not ensure your Universal code is on your thank you page and your redirect is properly formatted and showing the phone number after booking in the URL.