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Samcart Integration

Samcart Integration

Please note that you will only be able to complete the integration if you have the “Scale” plan or higher. If you’re uncertain about your payment plan, you can verify it by checking whether the Notify URL field (min 0:48) is available for selection. This is where you’ll need to add the webhook in order to finalize the integration.

  1. Inside your Hyros account, go to the settings > integrations > Click on the SamCart or click HERE
  2. Click create new integration and then click configure. Copy the webhook.
  3. Inside your SamCart account, go to settings > Integrations > Click new integration > select “Notify URL” > Name the integration “Hyros”
  4. Paste the webhook inside the “Notify URL” > don’t forget to click save
  5. Next step >  Click global rules > setup rules > 2 rules need to be setup: 

A. Product Purchased > click on next step > select the SamCart integration > action – send notify URL post > click next step > submit; 

B. Subscription charged > (if you have a subscription-based business) > repeat the process mentioned above for the Product Purchased trigger;

6. Then copy the UNIVERSAL script below (this has replaced the previous watcher script in the video):

7. After that go back inside your SamCart dashboard and go to products > Click on the product you are selling > once you are inside the product > Click on advanced settings > Paste the UNIVERSAL Script inside the Embedded HTML/Scripts in Header area (this process needs to be done inside each single checkout page you have)

Congratulations you integrated Hyros with SamCart, doing this setup will no longer require connecting with a payment processor!