The Products Tab

The products tab houses the data on, you guessed it, your products!

Normally this data will be pulled from your API connections in our initial set up section, we recommend you consult that section before trying to use the products tab for basic tracking.

From the Products tab under Tracking we can change the way in which we organize our products by using several options to categorize, group, and edit information.

We can choose the data to be displayed in this section from the All/Recurring/Non-Recurring filter, Import product data and even edit the columns we want to see depending on our specific needs:

To add a new product we just need to click on the + Add new product button in the upper right hand corner of the products section, after doing this we can type our product’s information and also choose the category it should be registered under, we can type a new category or choose one from the dropdown list:

We can also click on the three dot menu next to each of the products to choose which package they should be sent to, to check your existing packages please click on the Product Packages button:

To delete, mark as recurring and/or edit the category for one or more products we need to make the selection from the checkboxes on the left side of our product(s) name.

Advanced Features

Marking Products As Recurring

Activating Offline Conversion Tracking (AI Training)