Exporting Data

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Exporting Report Data

If you would like to export your data, you can do so by clicking here when you are viewing a report, then choosing to to download the report to a CSV file or upload it to Google Sheets:

Then you can select what data to export from the report before downloading.

Please take in mind that on top of standard report metrics, you can also export the source data depending on the level you are exporting. For example, if you are exporting the report at source link ad level, you can also export this with the source link of each ad in a seperate column so you can customize and organize your data much more easily:

You can also export traffic source, source category, goal and account columns if you wish to customize your data based on any of this information.

On top of exporting a normal report, you can also export reports that are grouped by time period instead of by source so you can easily view data and compare over long periods of time. To do this simply select the time period you’d like to group by in the advanced settings when generating a report:

Then you can export the report exactly as shown above.

You can also load a specific set of sales or select “sales data” to view all sales from a report in order to export a list of leads or sales rather than a whole report:

Lastly, If you want to re-download previously exported data, you can do so by going to Reporting – Recent reports.

Exporting Sales Data from a Report

This is very useful if you want to compare individual sales with your back end sales to confirm sales tracking accuracy.

To do this, load any report and select “sales data”

Then just select “export sales” to export all sales and calls from that specific report:

You will then be able to choose where to export the sales list to, and also if you want to set up a scheduled export (please see the scheduled export guide below for more information on how this works).

Also very importantly, you will see an option to “assign sales to original lead” as seen here:

This is important because by default, Hyros will attribute all sales and other tags/clicks to the origin lead, which means if a lead initially enters your funnel and opts in with “example@hyros.com”, but then purchases with “purchase@example.com”, Hyros will by default assign the sale to “example@hyros.com”, because we detect that this is the same person.

This is great for sales attribution, but if you want to compare sales in Hyros with sales from your internal softwares, then this means the emails may not match up.

Toggle this on to ensure we export sales with the Purchase email instead of the origin email, so you can compare more easily with your internal sales.

Scheduling a report to be Exported to Google Sheets

Within a report, select the “Export report” button:

Then select the Sheet account where you want to upload the reports, afterward click on the “Schedule upload to Google” button.

Here you have the following filters to send the exported data

  • Daily/Hourly/Weekly/Monthly.
  • Every X days or Every week day.
  • Select the time to send the export data.

Next, we have two options to export data:

Option A – With this option a report is created for the last X days before the day the report is run.

Option B – This option creates a report starting from a fixed date to the day before the report is run.

  • Option A

You need to select “Last days before current date” and Report length. Once you’re done click Schedule upload.

  • Option B 

You need to select “From start date until yesterday” and select the start date. Once you’re done click Schedule upload.

Once you have finished scheduling a data export, it can be viewed right under the Scheduled Reports tab:

Export data via the API

To export data via the API, please see HERE for our API documentation.

You will need a developer or development experience to help implement this setup.