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Fixing Broken Parameters

Fixing Broken Parameters

One of the most common mistakes users make at HYROS is creating broken parameters. Here are the most common issues.

How URL Parameters Work

URL parameters are specific code you can place in your URL that will pass data to the web page you send traffic to. If they are built wrong they will break.

For example the bold text in the URL below is the URL parameter

URL parameters can pass multiple chunks of information.

URL parameters have 2 key parts.

There is the “?” part of the parameter. This represents URL parameters starting. There will ONLY be ONE “?” per URL parameters.

Then there is the “&” part of the parameter. This is used to ad more chunks of information to the parameter. There is no limit to the amount of information that can be added. You simply ad a “&” in between each new chunk of information.

This is how URL parameters work.

The Most Common URL Parameter Errors

1- Using multiple “?”

Most often users will ad our URL parameters to existing URL parameters with an extra “?”

For example :

This will break the URL parameter and tracking. To fix this make sure that every new parameter you ad to the overall URL parameter is separated with an & and NOT a ?.

For example this is correct :

2- Using redirects that do not pass url information

Using redirects is very common in internet marketing. Unfortunately they do not pass URL parameter information.

For example if your final URL is : and you are using a bitly redirect it will NOT pass your URL parameter information to the final page.

For example look at the example below. We have added a parameter to the the link.

Final URL :

Bitly Redirect Link :

In theory this seems like it will work. It will not thought because will NOT carry the ?SL=test parameter.

It will just send people to :

Since there is no URL parameter in the final url we will not receive tracking information.

To fix this ensure that you are not using redirects or use onsite redirects that will pass tracking.