NMI Integration
Video Guide:
Step 1 – Create the integration inside Hyros
1. Go into settings -> integrations -> select the NMI Integration.
2. Click “Create new integration”.
3. Create a name for the integration, such as “NMI” then click “save integration”.
4. Get your secret key from NMI and paste it in the field inside your integration, to do this just follow these steps:
- Log into your NMI account.
- Click “My Settings”.
- Click “Security Keys”.
- Scroll down and click “Add a New Private Security Key”.
- Name the new “Key Name”, select the user from “Username Associated with key” and check the “API” option.
- Copy the Security Key you just created and go back to your NMI integration inside Hyros, paste it under Private Security Key from your account and click Save integration.
Step 2 – Add the Webhook
1. Go to your NMI account, click “Settings”, select “Webhooks” and then click the “Create” button.
2. Go to your NMI integration inside your Hyros account, click Configure and grab the webhook:
3. Go back to your NMI account, paste the webhook you just copied earlier inside the “URL” input (step 1) and select the following events:
- “transaction.sale.success” (step 2)
- “transaction.refund.success” (step 3)
- “transaction.auth.success” (step 4)
4. Once you’re done following the guidelines above click on the “Save changes” button. This process will complete your NMI integration.
Important! Sales may have or not have products associated with them. In the case that no product is assigned to the sale, a product will be created with the generic name “NMI Integration Generic Product” and with the price of the amount field inside Hyros.
In order to be able to generate sales with products, products must be created in advance. Please move forward to Step 3 – Product creation.