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Testing and Troubleshooting Google Ads

Testing and Troubleshooting Google Ads

This guide will help you test and troubleshoot your Google ads. The text summary below is covered step by step in this video.

To TEST Your Google Ads Tracking Set Up Perform The Two Tests Starting At 2:35.

Please also note that at this moment in time Hyros can not track Google experimental Campaigns. Experimental campaign tracking is expected in the short term future.

The first test will check your ad links and the second test will confirm tracking is on all links.

CONFIRM this is done on absolutely ALL ads accounts related to the business.

If you find an error repeat the set up process below on the mis-set up ads.

To track your Adwords ads take the parameter below and paste it in the tracking template area of EVERY ad group in your Google ads account. Copy The Following URL Parameter : {lpurl}?gc_id={campaignid}&h_ad_id={creative}

NEXT : Create a test link like in the video above at (2:35). Click the link and ensure that your link has our tracking parameter and the campaign ID in the link. The URL parameter should appear cleanly EXACTLY like in the example link below

NEXT : Integrate with the Adwords account you would like to track HERE to complete connecting to Adwords. If you have multiple accounts you will need to connect each of them.

Common issues

Parameters are not added: If you test an ad link and do not see any parameters generated inside the URL as shown at 3:00 inside the video, this may be the problem.

You can add the tracking template column inside your google account by following the steps at 0:35 in the video. Scroll through your ads and ensure you see “{lpurl}?gc_id={campaignid}&h_ad_id={creative}” on all of your ads inside the tracking template column.

Parameters are not added correctly: If you see the parameters when testing the ad link, but it does not show CLEANLY in the URL, then this may be the issue.

If you have other parameters or utms attached and our parameters are NOT the first parameter, please ensure you use a “&” symbol instead of “?”.

For example: “{lpurl}?utm_source=example&gc_id={campaignid}&h_ad_id={creative}”.

Secondly, check for any typos in the parameter you entered inside google.

Ads have redirects or bitly links: If you do not see the ad parameters inside the URL when testing your ad, but know you have added the parameter for that ad, then this could be the issue.

In this case tracking parameters will be dropped. Please make sure that there are NO redirects or link shortners such as Once you have done this, ensure that your tracking works correctly by generating an ad preview and clicking the ad. Then confirm our tracking parameter in the url (2:35 in the video)

You have other parameters/utms at ad level: If you do not see our parameters in the URL after testing the ad, and you are sure that the parameters are attached AND you have no redirects or link shorteners, this may be the issue. Especially if it sometimes tracks correctly, but you notice that the parameters do not appear all of the time.

Google will often prioritize any ad parameters placed on at ad level, meaning if you have placed our parameters at ad group level, they may be kicked off of the URL by the ad level parameters. To fix this, simply make sure ALL parameters are placed on the same level. This means you can either move our parameters to ad level, or move your other parameters/utms to the ad group level. Both methods should fix the issue.

WARNING: If you add parameters at ad level google may reset the ad. It’s highly advisable to add parameters at ad group level.

The incorrect google account was integrated: Parameters are added correctly and you can see them after performing a test, but the @tag is not applied inside Hyros so the ad isn’t tracking. You may also notice that you do not see any costs inside the cost column in the hyros reports. Please try to re-integrate your google account, making sure that the correct google account is integrated. When connecting HYROS to Google Ads do NOT connect with the MCC or manager account. Connect with a Google account that is directly connected to the Google Ads account you would like to track as an admin.

If you have gone through everything and still have not found an issue, please contact the support team. To help us troubleshoot, please also send us 2/3 ad preview links as shown in the video, along with a screen share or screenshot displaying our parameters clearly attached in the tracking template column.