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Using Tags To Track Customers and Viewing their Journey

Using Tags To Track Customers and Viewing their Journey

This guide will show you how to use tags to organize and track your customers’ journeys.

What Are Tags And How Are They Used

At HYROS we track your customers using 3 different tags. It is important that you understand the difference between these tags because they all represent very different things.

Please also see the written explanations below:

The @Source Tag

@tags are tags on a user that begin with @. They indicate the application of tracking. For example: when plugged into your Facebook ads your @tags will be generated based on the Facebook Adset the click came from. If the ad set name is “DOGS” the user will be tagged with @dogs.

@tags are usually applied using our URL parameters on ad clicks or manually created source link parameters. @tags represent the SOURCE that a person came from.

For example, if you had a mall and were tracking people that visit your mall the @tag would tell you the neighborhood/zip code they came from and when they started their trip. It would not tell you what they have bought or what parts of the business they interacted with.

The $Sale Tag

$tags are tags on a user that start with $. They represent a purchase and also assign a dollar amount to the user. For example, if a user purchases a product named “Cool Product” for 19 dollars the user will get the tag $coolproduct and 19 dollars in value added to their customer profile.

The $tag is usually applied via your checkout or processing system. It also may be applied manually via our API.

For example, if you had a mall and were tracking people that visit the $tag would tell you all the items they have bought when they bought and the total revenue generated. It would not tell you where they came from or what parts your business they interacted with.

The !Action Tag

!tags DEFINITION: !tags are tags that begin with !. These tags are to show the parts of your business the customer interacted with. While they may seem similar these are VERY different than @tags. For example, if a person buys from your E-Commerce store they will get the tag !shopify. If a person opts into a certain funnel they will get a !funnelname tag. This tells us what PART of the business a lead was generated from or interacted with NOT the source of the lead.

The !tag is usually applied via your business opt-ins, checkout or processor systems. The !tag can also be applied when a visitor visits a page.

For example, if you had a mall and were tracking people that visited the !tag would tell you what entrance they came from and the store they bought from. It would not tell you where they came to get to the mall or what they purchased.

The #Subscription Tag

#tags are referring to subscriptions. Currently they will show 2 events:

  1. Subscription Started
  2. Subscription cancelled

We will pull this subscription information directly from the software you have integrated with to track sales and subscriptions.

At this moment in time, #subscription tags are only tracked in Hyros with Stripe and Clickfunnel 2.0 integrations.