Troubleshooting Iframes and Missing Leads

This documentation can be technical for some users, and please take in mind it may only be relevant if you are noticing that Hyros is missing some or all of your leads. If you are unsure if this applies to you, please reach out to our support team with your page URL where the form

Troubleshooting Lead Tracking

Inside your Hyros reports, you will notice 2 different columns labelled “Leads” and “New Leads”. Here is what both of these stats mean: New Leads = Number of unique leads that opted in for the first time ever during the pre-determined timeframe set for the report. If they use multiple emails throughout their journey, as

Why Wait To Set Up Email, Organic and Offline AI Tracking

One common desire we get from customers is wanting to rush to set up tracking for EVERYTHING right away and activating offline conversions for AI pixel tracking ASAP. While we appreciate the pro-activeness this can cause more damage to tracking than good if done BEFORE completing basic set up. Why Does This Hurt Tracking If

How To Fix No Sources

When you are experiencing a lot of “No Source” sales on the reporting board it can be frustrating. Especially if tracking is set up right. Use this guide to fix the problem. The Steps To Fixing No Source Tracking Realize There May Not Be A Problem Sometimes you may just have a lot of traffic

Fixing Broken Parameters

One of the most common mistakes users make at HYROS is creating broken parameters. Here are the most common issues. How URL Parameters Work URL parameters are specific code you can place in your URL that will pass data to the web page you send traffic to. If they are built wrong they will break.