POWER FEATURE : Call & Lead Stages

Lead stages are a powerful staple feature of HYROS that let you track the progress and quality of leads/calls/demos entering your pipeline. You can then connect this back to your ads or traffic sources to see which sources bring the best leads and customers.

How This Feature Grows Revenues (Video Demo)

Setup Video Guide

For more specific directions on setting up Call Qualification, click HERE.

Written Guide

Use Case Examples and setups

Lead Stages are a great way of tracking specific events that Hyros does not natively track inside the app. There are lots of different ways of using this depending on your use-case, but some good examples would include:

MQL (Marketing Qualified Leads)

This will probably be different based on what you consider to be a MQL based on your unique business goals, but you may want to track this when the lead initially opts in.

There are 2 ways in which you could track this:

1) Via Zapier

This would most likely be in Zapier, providing your software that collects the opt in has this option available, you could choose to trigger an action based on a registration or opt in occurring like you can see here:

Then have this trigger a “create lead in Hyros” event.

Ensure the email is added in the “email” field and add your lead stage name you want to add such as “MQL” here:

2) Via a URL Rule

You can setup a URL rule based on the video guide above, and have it trigger on the thank you page after an opt in occur.

Just ensure that the lead is redirected to a URL with the parameter that identifies the lead stage, such as: www.yourthankyoupage?leadstage=MQL

SQL (Sales Qualified Leads)

This will probably be different based on what you consider to be a SQL based on your unique business goals, but you may want to track this when the lead initially opts in.

You could probably track this in any way depending on your specific stack.

1) Use the Direct Call integration

This is as simple as just finding your call schedular integration in Hyros and providing it’s compatible just mapping your call with the “SQL” lead stage that you consider would move a lead to this stage:

See the written setup guide for Acuity and Calendly below for more details on how to do this.

Tracking Webinars attended

This could be done via Zapier, providing your webinar software has this capability via Zapier.

This example is for Everwbinar/Webinarjam, but if you have another software for webinars then as long as it has the same capabilities in Zapier then this should be possible.

You can configure this in Zapier by adding a new trigger from your webinar software based on the type of event you want to track in Hyros. It could be several different things such as:

  • Webinar attended
  • Registrant leaves early
  • No shows

as you can see Everwebinar provides these types of triggers here:

Then when creating the action to occur in Hyros, choose the “Create lead in Hyros” action.

Ensure the lead’s email is entered correctly in the email field. Then add the lead stage you want in the Lead Stage field.

For example if you were triggering this zapier when a lead attends a webinar, you may want to name the lead stage “Webinar attended” or something similar:


“Oppertunity” or “Deal Sent” Stage

As with many events, you could track this in a number of different ways based on your business. However the most common way would probably be one of these:

1) Via Hubspot

In this case we’re going to use Hubspot as an example. At this moment in time this is the only CRM which allows for lead stage tracking via the direct integration.

To do this with Hubspot, just go to your Hubspot integration here, then you can choose to:

  1. Map all deal stages to a lead stage in Hyros by default, if you have a “deal sent” stage or equivalent then this will be tracked as well by default.
  2. Map specific lead stages to a custom lead stage in Hyros.

2) via Zapier

This is if you have a different CRM which currently does not have this capability inside Hyros via the direct integration.

Providing Zapier allows it you should be able to setup a trigger based on the deal stage and then choose to “create a lead event in Hyros’ as the action.

Please see the zapier guide below for more details on how this works.

Tracking Lead Stages

There are 3 different ways of Tracking Lead Stages:

Method 1 – Directly from your Software Integration with Hyros

If you have any of the below integrations, we suggest using the method to track lead stages:


If you use Acuity, you can use specific call events to assign a lead stage when a lead books a call.

Moving forward when a lead books a call using the specific call event, the custom lead stage will also be tracked.


If you are integrated with Calendly, then you can use specific call events to assign a lead stage when a lead books a call.

Go to your Calendly integration and follow these steps:

Moving forward when a lead books a call using the specific call event, the custom lead stage will also be tracked.

Clickfunnels 2.0

If you are integrated with CF 2.0, then you can set statuses to be sent to Hyros inside your integration here:

Once you have added a lead stage name to any specified event, they will be sent to Hyros automatically from the integration so you can view Lead stages inside Hyros.


Inside your Hubspot integration, you can choose to map your deal stages with the lead stages inside of Hyros automatically. Or alternatively you can select specific stages in Hubspot to add a custom lead stages in Hyros.

Method 2 – URL Rules for Lead Stage Tracking

This is a great option if you have UTMs or parameters in your URL that can be used to identify a specific lead stage.

You can create a dynamic URL to track specific custom stages of a lead’s journey by following thse steps:

  1. Go to your URL rules settings and click create a new rule.
  2. Name it whatever makes sense to you.
  3. Rule type should be set to Dynamic.
  4. Add the URL parameter that you will be using to determine a lead stage. This will use the value of that parameter to create a custom lead stage.
    For example in the screenshot below the parameter used is lead_stage, so if a lead landed on the page with the URL of “www.hyros.com?lead_stage=subscriptionactivated” we would assign the lead stage “subscription activated”.
    Hyros will be using whatever comes after the = symbol of the parameter to create a lead stage.
    The UTM parameter could be very different for your use case, please ensure you add your unique parameter that identifies the lead stage in the URL here.
  5. Select the action type of “Lead Stage”.
  6. Apply rule to the “Tracked URL”.

Method 3 – Lead Stages via Zapier / the API

This is the most flexible way of tracking lead stages, if the above 2 methods don’t work for your purposes, you can connect with Zapier to trigger a lead stage inside Hyros whenever any specific trigger event occurs inside your chosen software, providing your software connects with Zapier.

You can read more about how Zapier works HERE if you haven’t used this before.

Once you have setup the desired trigger, just add the “Create Lead” action for Hyros and enter the lead stage here when filling out the necessary details for the action:

If your specific software is not available in zapier to be used as a trigger, you can also setup lead stages via our API “Create lead” event HERE, however please take in mind that you will need a developer to assist you with the setup. Just ensure you add the stage field as directed in the API documentation.

Using Custom Columns to view Lead Stages in Hyros

Once you have tracked your Lead Stages a set of custom columns will be created based on the lead stage name you have added.

You can use this inside your reports any time to view the metrics for your specific lead stages. When editing your report columns, just click on “Custom” and select the lead stages that you would like to see your metrics for. In this example a lead stage has been labelled as “Shopify” but it could be anything you choose:


  1. How will data appear in reports when a lead navigated through all stages?

Suppose we have a lead that has gone through the lead stage where we marked it as MQL and the same lead has also made a purchase where we marked it as in the Customer stage. In this specific scenario, within the reports we will see the lead counted in both Lead and Customer stages.

Or, in another example, using the same stages as above, if we have 10 leads marked as MQL and only 5 of them made a purchase, the MQL stage will report 10 and the Customer stage will report 5.