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First Click Mode

First Click Mode

First click does exactly the same thing as the last click attribution model, except that it will attribute all sales to the very first source that the lead came through, regardless of the timeframe between the first click and the sale.

This is different to our scientific attribution mode, because scientific mode specifically attributes a sale to the first OR last click depending on the length of time between the first click and the sale. First click mode will always attribute the sale to the first click no matter how long ago the first click happened.

Case Example

If a user has the following journey, in this exact descending order:


Then the very first source click of this journey was “@FacebookAd”, so the sale tagged as “$purchase” will be attributed to this source, even if that click happened months of years ago. It will ALWAYS be attributed to the first source click in the lead’s journey that has been tracked inside Hyros.

The Difference Between the Default “Base” Mode and Date of Click Mode

You’ll see when loading a report that you have the option to activate “date of click” attribution. The difference between this and the report’s default base settings is the date that the sale will appear on the report.

In Base Setting

Sales will display on the date of sale on the REPORT BOARD. For instance, if a person clicked @facebookad1 on the 15th of October and bought on the 20th the sale would appear credited to @facebookad1 on the 20th.

If you loaded a report in this case for the 15th, you would not see the sale in the report because the sale did not occur on this day.

In Date Of Click Setting

Sales will display on the date of click on the REPORT BOARD. For instance, if a person clicked @facebookad1 on the 15th of October and bought on the 20th the sale would appear credited to @facebookad1 on the 15th. It would not appear on the 20th, you would need to load a report including the 15th (date of the click) to see the sale in your report.

When To Use These Settings

Date Of Click setting is useful if you want to understand customer LTV from the first click. However if you want to do this you’ll likely find it more useful to use our First click LTV mode instead, which is very similar in its functionality to the standard First click mode with Date of Click attribution, but it provides more details for the specific purpose of LTV. Also take in mind that it can also be confusing to see whenever daily sales are coming from if your customers usually wait a few days before buying.

Base setting can puff up your stats because it will factor in sales that happened during the time frame selected but were generated from clicks that happened many weeks or even months ago. However this first click in its base setting is very useful for understanding which front end sources have been bringing in your most recent sales.