Category: Advanced Tracking
Option B – Sending Hyros Events to a Brand New Snapchat Pixel
See the video setup below: (Optional) – Send existing leads conversions With the default configuration for sending data as offline conversions, the existing leads will not be sent back to your ad platform, only new leads will be send back to the pixel. As an example, if the toggle is turned OFF, it means that
Using Hyros Events with Facebook Catalog Campaigns
Please note that this guide is for the catalog campaign step ONLY, please ensure you have also followed the “Main Setup” steps to allow events to be sent correctly, then you can proceed to the steps outlined below if you have catalog campaigns: How to Link the Facebook Pixel to Your Catalog Please follow the
Option A – Sending Hyros Events to your Existing Facebook Pixel
This setup can be completed in 2 steps, with an optional 3rd step should you wish to deduplicate events more accurately. If you have catalog campaigns and wish to optimize around Hyros events, please also view the drop down labelled “Using Hyros events with Catalog Campaigns” below. Step 1 – Configure Events to be Sent
Option A – Sending Hyros Events to your Existing Google Pixel/ Existing Conversion Action
Table of Contents What is an “Existing Google Conversion Action”? This refers to the events that Google are tracking already, most likely by the Google snippet/pixel added to your site. These are not the same as the events tracked inside of Hyros.Sending Hyros events to an existing event, will in the case of the example
Option B – Sending Hyros Events to a Brand New Google Pixel/ New Conversion Action
Table of Contents Step 1 – Inside Hyros Tip!: If you want to optimize around orders please send events as a general action and toggle this on, just like you see below. Step 2 – Inside Google How to optimize your Google ads using Hyros conversions
Option A – Sending Hyros Events to your Existing Snapchat Pixel
This guide covers how to send events back to your existing Snapchat Pixel and events. This is the most recommended way to send events to Snapchat, however it’s not possible to do in all cases. IMPORTANT – Requirements for Setup To be able to send events to Snapchat’s existing pixel and events and utilize deduplication, you
Product Naming Inside Hyros
This document will cover generally how products are named and tagged inside Hyros, and provide a few specific details regarding more common scenarios with some of the most used integrations. How are Sales and Products named in Hyros from integrations? The most common scenario is that Hyros integrates directly with your sales processor, checkout software
Option A – Sending Events to your Existing Tik Tok Pixel
This guide covers how to send events back to your existing Tik Tok Pixel and events. This is the most recommended way to send events to Tik Tok, however it’s not possible to do in all cases. Requirements for Setup To be able to send events to Tik Tok’s existing pixel and events and utilize
Facebook Deduplication “not meeting best practices”
If you are seeing a “deduplication not meeting best practices” warning, then the first thing you need to do is hover over the warning message inside Facebook for further details. If it’s not immediately clear what the issue is, then please also follow these steps: 1)Find the event inside the pixel and select “view details”: