First Click Mode

First click does exactly the same thing as the last click attribution model, except that it will attribute all sales to the very first source that the lead came through, regardless of the timeframe between the first click and the sale. This is different to our scientific attribution mode, because scientific mode specifically attributes a


Using trend reports allows you to see ads performance and trends over time. You can check performance from days to months using one of the following attribution models: Last click, Scientific, or Depreciation.  Trends report is also very useful if we want to see Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) performance over time. What is Customer Acquisition

Ad Level Reports

Ad Level reporting allows you to view your data at the ad level and make decisions based on your best performing creatives/images. We can effortlessly showcase the performance of your Creative ads within the same report. Here’s a quick overview of how you can use reports for Creative ads. You can access the Ad Level

Multi-touch Attribution modes

Once activated please allow a few hours for your account to re-index before using these reports. Although Last Click and Scientific mode reports are often all a business needs to scale, our multi-touch attribution modes are very helpful to understanding how each source is contributing to sales, especially for funnels where leads often go through

Should I Send Events to an Existing Pixel?

When sending events to Facebook, you have the option to send events to a brand new pixel just for Hyros events OR send them to your existing events inside an existing pixel. There are advantages and disadvantages to each way, as explained below. Sending Events to a Brand New Pixel If we send events to

Long Term Value (LTV) Reporting

There are several ways in which you can calculate the long term value of your Leads depending on what you want to see and what questions you need to answer. As you may notice, some of these reports may overlap in functionality, and you may be able to use more than one report to answer

Unqualified Call Tracking

First of all for this to work, you will need to ensure you are tracking calls correctly. To do this all you need to do is follow these easy steps. If you haven’t done this already please make sure you complete all the steps in the Sales call funnel Initial set up guide BEFORE proceeding.

Cohort Analysis

Video Guide: How does Cohort Analysis Work? Cohort reports allow you to compare different audiences that came into your system over specific timeframes and compare different long term stats. For example, you can compare all leads that came into your system in June vs July and compare data such as revenue, sales and LTV over

Exporting Data

Exporting data from reports: Exporting data from Sales data tab: Written Guide:

Grouping Sales into Orders

This is especially useful for e-commerce businesses that have customers who purchase multiple products at once. Sales vs Unique Sales Inside the Hyros reports, you have the option to view “sales” and “unique sales”. First, it is important to distinguish between both of these terms: Sale: Any single product tag applied to a customer. In
