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Tracking your E-com store sales

Tracking your E-com store sales

This Guide will show you how to track your sales from your E-Commerce store.


Do you use multiple payment software to collect your sales?

If you are an E-com user, you should just follow this guide to track your sales. Search below for the system you use and follow the guide to integrate your store to track sales.


Adjust your Custom Sales Status



Also use Paypal to collect sales in your Shopify store?

Follow the steps below to set up tracking for your Paypal account. 



If you’re using Squarespace, we have one of the following options to track your sales: 

  1. The first option is to log into your Hyros account, check Settings->Integrations and see if you use one of the payment processors listed there. If you see your system, follow this doc Sales tracking-> Payment processor.
  2. If you don’t see your system as described above, the second option is to use Zapier. If you see your system listed here, you can easily track your sales using Zapier.
  3. If none of the above options is suitable for you, we have as a third option the API configuration. For more details, please consult with inapp support.


Do you use other E-com systems?

Please contact the in-app support for further assistance in this process.