About Hard Costs

Hard costs inside Hyros are tracked depending on the specific integration sending us sales. Please note that certain integrations do not send us hard costs, or send us limited hard cost information. In these situations not able to display this information inside of Hyros. Please see this list below to understand if the software you

Product Naming Inside Hyros

This document will cover generally how products are named and tagged inside Hyros, and provide a few specific details regarding more common scenarios with some of the most used integrations. How are Sales and Products named in Hyros from integrations? The most common scenario is that Hyros integrates directly with your sales processor, checkout software

Keyword Reports

IMPORTANT: Keywords report is only available for users with Google’s V2 integration, which is coming soon. A Keywords report will allow you to deep dive into your Keyword performance across your Google Ad Groups. To load a Keywords reports click HERE or select the “Keywords” report under the “Reporting” tab. Select the attribution mode that

Lead Journey Reports

Lead Journey Reports are a great way to understand the most common journeys a lead goes through in order to make a purchase or call. This helps you understand how all of your sources work together and your most profitable journeys. It’s important to note that just keeping it simple and making decisions based on

Ad Level Reports

Ad Level reporting allows you to view your data at the ad level and make decisions based on your best performing creatives/images. We can effortlessly showcase the performance of your Creative ads within the same report. Here’s a quick overview of how you can use reports for Creative ads. You can access the Ad Level

Unqualified Call Tracking

First of all for this to work, you will need to ensure you are tracking calls correctly. To do this all you need to do is follow these easy steps. If you haven’t done this already please make sure you complete all the steps in the Sales call funnel Initial set up guide BEFORE proceeding.

Exporting Data

Exporting data from reports: Exporting data from Sales data tab: Written Guide: FAQ’s:

Grouping Sales into Orders

This is especially useful for e-commerce businesses that have customers who purchase multiple products at once. Sales vs Unique Sales Inside the Hyros reports, you have the option to view “sales” and “unique sales”. First, it is important to distinguish between both of these terms: Sale: Any single product tag applied to a customer. In

Currency Conversion

Hyros allows you to convert the currency that we receive from your payment software and display a currency of your choice easily inside Hyros. Do you have sales in multiple currencies? Refer to this guide WARNING: Currency Conversion and Your Revenue Cap: As you know, your account is billed depending on revenue tiers. If you

Using Product Categories

Hyros allows us to organize our products into categories so data is easier to read and consult. This document will guide you through the process of grouping products by categories inside your account. To create a new product category please go to Hyros > Tracking > Products and click on the three dots menu (…)
