Release Notes – 04/24/2024

New updates! Analytic suite updates, Kajabi integration enhancements, Invoiced and more Geo location, Customer Journey and Cohort reports This latest update version fosters greater synergy within reports and introduces more advanced reporting features.. Within the ad performance reports, where we have the popular Last click, First click, Scientific mode reports, we’re integrating Geolocation, Customer Journey

Release Notes – 04/10/2024

New Reporting updates We’ve overhauled the reporting section entirely, and you can now access all the reports from here. Google Performance Max updates An unusual situation where certain Performance Max campaign names were incorrectly displayed within the app has been successfully addressed, and now the names appear correctly in reports. UI Profile updates  The Profile

Release Notes – 03/27/2024

New updates! Offline conversions updates, Chrome extension improvements, Login activity NEW: Login Activity With the launch of this release, we have improved security and transparency for Hyros accounts. Through the Login Activity feature, users can now access comprehensive information about all sessions, including details such as devices used, location, and the timing of the last

Release Notes – 03/13/2024 #2

New Upates! Direct Call Tracking updates, Hubspot improvements, Offline conversions, Hyros Chrome Extension New: Direct Call Tracking Improvements The direct call tracking function has been completely revised with a completely new design and has been split into Dynamic Pool of numbers and Static numbers.  To effectively track direct call links, whether they are specific links

Release Notes – 03/13/2024

New Upates! Direct Call Tracking updates, Hubspot improvements, Offline conversions, Hyros Chrome Extension New: Direct Call Tracking Improvements The direct call tracking function has been completely revised with a completely new design and has been split into Dynamic Pool of numbers and Static numbers.  To effectively track direct call links, whether they are specific links

Release notes – 02/14/2024

Kajabi integration improvements  We have developed a new architecture for our connection with Kajabi, which will bring us a big plus, allowing us to correctly track the value of our products, along with any other events, such as subscriptions, upsells, discounts and refund events. This update will be rolled out in the coming weeks. Acuity

Release notes – 01/31/2024

Update alert! Custom Lead Stages, Hubspot updates, New metrics, Chrome extension, TikTok offline conversions improvements New: Custom Lead Stages Custom Lead Stages provide a valuable method for monitoring particular events that are not natively tracked within the Hyros app. The versatility of this application varies depending on your specific use-case.  Essentially, Custom Lead Stages enable

Release Notes – 01/03/2024

New Updates! New Search bar in Reporting, Calendly improvements, Pinterest updates Dashboard updates With the recent design update, the dashboard has undergone modifications too. The widget button has been moved to a new location, making it easily accessible whenever you want to create a new widget. Shipping and taxes metrics In the latest release, we

Release Notes – 12/06/2023

New Updates! New Chrome extension features, New metrics, Geolocation updates, API, New alerts New metrics: Shipping Value and Taxes  We’ve expanded the way we collect data, and now offer more granularity, especially for e-commerce businesses, where we now record shipping and taxes data from systems such as Recurly, Jotform, Easy Pay, NMI,, Ontraport, BigCommerce

Release Notes 10/26/2023

Update alert! Offline conversions updates, WooCommerce, Hyros API, MER widget and Geolocation report Snapchat Offline Conversions improvements  We now have more flexibility when it comes to optimizing our Snapchat campaigns. You now have the option to designate which Snapchat pixel will receive the conversions. Enabling offline conversions for Snapchat grants you the ability to select
